Two Messiahs

Two Messiahs

According To The FATHER of Christ Jesus, the Inner Council and more than forty witnesses:

1) The Jewish Nation was correct when they said Christ Jesus was not the Messiah they were waiting on.
2) The Jewish Nation got it wrong when they said Christ Jesus was not a Messiah.
3) The Christian Nation got it right when they said Christ Jesus was a Messiah.
4) The Christian Nation got it wrong when they said Immanuel was Christ Jesus; hence the sixty days’ Meeting of Angels 2.0 visitation.

Will You Understand?

Some things are right out in the open yet a majority of the human race cannot see.

In regard to Judaism

The Seal of Solomon is not a Star of Solomon. The Seal of Solomon and the Star of David are not the same because the Star of David does never existed but the Star of Rempham does. Rempham is a pagan god, an entity of one of the seven underworlds; his face is the center of the symbol.

The Flag of Is(is)-Ra-El

Isis is a female god of the underworld - Ra is a male god on the underworld - El is the all-encompassing title to visitors from another world. Now, add the Star of Rempham to the Flag of Israel and what do you have? Inside the star is a hexagonal center that represents the worship of the Black Sun; proof of deceptive editing of the Hebrew Scriptures.

What does this mean? There are those living there that are real Jews but the government running Israel are a anti-Jewish Mafia. Maybe this will help explain the chaos in the Middle East.

The Seal of Solomon 

This is two V's superimposed over one another; one up, one down where there are no bases on the bottoms forming triangles. The center forms the symbol for diamond. A Signet Ring, a pentalpha given by King Solomon to the Arch-Angel Michael sent by The FATHER to combat evil by giving King Solomon full Power and Authority of all demons in the seven underworlds.  This is why you should never equate the Star of Rempham with the Seal of Solomon.

The Roman Catholic Church

Issue #1

The Roman Catholic Church was and is nothing more than the Church of the Roman Empire in disguise and those running the Vatican (Worship the Serpent) are not Christians; they are pagan god Worshippers. This is a very sad Truth because many around the world who call themselves Catholics are good people. However, the word Cath mean, negative; low and going down low. Only a Catholic should decide what do with this information. There is one way to prove what we just wrote is True.

Go to the Internet and see what you see when you walk into the Hall of Nervi in the Vatican. One literally walks into the head of a venomous Snake. Note, tha fangs. One is literally walking into Hell.

This is an Anti-Christian Mafia.

None of this appears to apply to the Saint Francis Church Assisi that we can tell at this time. 


Keeping It Simple

These are not our Trusted sources of Scripture. One must understand that you can read something that is 99% accurate but the Devil slips in and changes just one thing that changes everything; that is how the Devil rolls. 

Hopefully this explains the opening to this page in this way: remove the evil from both of the religions and correct the Scriptures and Peace will return to Earth.