The Three Letters Sent Out In 2023



Edward Lariah Zabrowski                      Janelle Sweeny

Angels4US                                                     73 Rugers Lane

628 Essex Drive                                           Swoope, VA 24479

Staunton, VA 24401                                   (540) 414- 3339

(540) 487-7459


Pastor XXXX,


Greetings, I am Edward; one of two participants/witnesses in a very lengthy visitation; an attempt by GOD, The FATHER of Christ Jesus to return the Church, Synagogue and Temple back into HIS Holy Will. The enclosed letter is both a request and an invitation from The FATHER of Christ Jesus. Before proceeding, you must Know, we do Love you more than you could ever Love yourselves, remember this.

 After fourteen years, and as different as this issue may seem, the “first temptation” is to disagree and then make an excuse. To begin to get a fuller/clearer picture that strips away both opinion and incorrect translations of the Scripture one must fulfill the request. When The FATHER finally ended HIS Holy visitation, HE made certain to tell us that HE addressed everything and any excuses would not be accepted. So please, do not generate one as others have. Those who did fulfill remained silent. Most if not all Life in this Holy Creation will perish or the DNA will be changed beyond The FATHER’s Will for its existence. The FATHER deemed this outcome as totally unacceptable.

 This is about the most important Biblical event to occur since the coming of Christ Jesus.

2)    Illogical thought, uncommon sense with no intent to investigate immediately ensued.

3)    The report literally stunned the Church, Synagogue and Temple into a lethal silence.

4)    This is about The Will of The FATHER, who is here now; who will sit to the left of The FATHER;

  1. Sent to teach everyone how to prevent the fall of this Holy Creation to the adversaries.

5)    Due to the fourteen years of rejection the USA is ever rapidly falling; all are faced with mass

        Democide; a self-inflicted smite due to incorrect translations of GOD-given Knowledge.

 The FATHER asked us to explain to all of those who teach “The Word” one must also start preaching about “The Will”; that there are two Messiahs; a case of incorrect translations in Isaiah and Revelation so said The FATHER. And as My Brother Christ Jesus “warned”, if you refuse this GOD-given Knowledge, you will perish. The visitation is all about why He said that. You would Know that there are issues in the Scriptures if you knew how to read, write, speak and interpret Ancient Hebrew and have yet to meet a Christian Pastor or Rabbi that can, though true that too is not an excuse. Also enclosed is a partial quote from Christ Jesus about our Scripture.

 In that lengthy Witnessed visitation, The FATHER set down a couple of guide lines that are to be in regard to the release of even more GOD-given Knowledge and there is a lot that needs to be shared. We are also letting the world know who was informed on our recently published website; the unsolicited visitors have a right to know.


In The FATHER’s Service, remain in Peace . . .




Pastor Edward Lariah Zabrowski

Ordained by GOD, The FATHER 

This is the Truth of GOD. The FATHER: if you do not see this as the event of the times, your future no longer exists.

This letter is the result of a witnessed sixty days and nights visitation with The FATHER, Christ Jesus, Moses, the Inner Council, thirty-one of The FATHER’s most personal of Angels that make up the Rainbow above HIS Holy Throne, The Holy Guard, Arch-Angels/Fatherly Saints  Michael and Gabriel,  Motherly Saints  Theresa and EA Seton, Squadron Leader and His Majestic Troops and many other Angels. The Enemies of Life were allowed on the perimeter to demonstrate their powers and abilities but no closer.  Many were only allowed to introduce their existence as in no conversations.  This visitation was entitled The Meeting of Angels 2.0 for this previously occurred during the days of Jeremiah.  Nothing you will be reading is opinion; it all came straight from the top. Before this was all over, seven (7) more human witnesses were added to the witness list totaling nine (9).

Please understand this Truth if you can: I must be very direct because the Angels of Honesty and Truth require this. E.g. The ramifications of failing to fulfill the request to prove and any failure to pass this GOD-given Knowledge on will result in an act of self-inflicted smiting so said The FATHER. This letter represents the final attempt to introduce Immanuel to this Earthly World. A New Earth was created and the 144,000 readied for relocation if the attitude of the Church, Synagogue and Temple does not change. That is what is meant by being very direct because this is humanities last chance to accept Immanuel because He is the one The FATHER created for these times to save the world, not Christ Jesus. According to The FATHER THEY will not be returning until sometime in 2076 if there is anything to return to. But, you do not have that long; action needs to be taken now. 

This visitation was the result of the Church, Synagogue and Temple incorrectly translating the Scriptures while not failing to mention the distortions and contortions that occurred from thousands of revisions aka personal opinions. Janelle Sweeney (star witness) and I were instructed to teach a New Way of Thinking and in a nutshell teach the correct interpretations of the Scriptures in order to “Save the World”. The FATHER made it crystal clear that those incorrect translations derailed the Church, Synagogue and Temple away from HIS Holy Will for all Life; real issues of lethality.

Because I do not have access to the original scrolls and never will because they are hidden and scattered all over the world, I can at least speak on what is incorrect in regard to what is written. Even if the scrolls could be brought to me, the time required to do this would take a very long time. In regard to the former, The Angels advised me not to spend much time on that. The FATHER specifically asked us to focus on the Isaiah 9 and Revelation 19:11 for these times.

Think about the previous attitudes emanating out from the Church, Synagogue and Temple for all of this to have occurred. My Love for you is very intense. Another reason for being direct is because of the shortage of time. If you had to carry this message what would you say and do differently?


Generator of Peace



Edward Lariah Zabrowski                           Janelle Sweeny

Angels4US                                                     73 Rugers Lane

628 Essex Drive                                            Swoope, VA 24479

Staunton, VA 24401                                    (540) 414- 3339

(540) 487-7459


The Church and the LGBT


The Authority Chosen By The FATHER To Represent HIS Holy Will For All Life On Earth For These Times

Like The USA, You O Church Are being Invaded

Should you disagree with any of this, keep in mind all of this came from The FATHER of Christ Jesus


I am Edward. This letter is a Truthful highly compressed summation of who The FATHER said I was and am not revealing everything disclosed; Witnessed: Ordained by GOD the FATHER of Christ Jesus HE HIMSELF into Pastoralship; to be HIS Righteous Steadfast “Generator of Peace”; no other Knows our enemies of Life Better than me, no close second said The FATHER. The FATHER came to me anonymously over 300 times as a human; have seen HIS Holiness from HIS Holy Head to HIS Holy Shins; did not see HIS Holy Feet or Holy Face or the Holy Faces or Holy Feet of HIS most personal of Angels. And as Moses testified to seeing, I too saw The FATHER’s Holy Backsides as HIS Holiness walked away from me while leaving me in a stupor for well over one hour one time and have seen more. I have met Christ Jesus in person from head to toe. And if anyone else had ever really seen Him, that one would have most definitely proclaimed that He doesn’t look anything like most think for He so different one would not fail to say this Truth. And Christ Jesus and The FATHER do not look, dress or talk alike. The conversations we had were intense. |P|This was witnessed and not a hoax: in the Meeting of Angels The FATHER proclaimed me to be the final Authority over all things for these times. (Enclosed letters may help you.) Now you Know of me; I do represent The FATHER’s Holy Will; Christ Jesus represents The FATHER’s Holy Word; there are TWO. (Thinking ONE is a result of incorrect translations said The FATHER.) |P| O Church be most Wise in you how you conduct yourselves in the midst of the enemy. You are reading this by a man who went into Hell unescorted and took the Devil’s Trident from him. The FATHER acknowledged that after that happened. I have dealt with the most dangerous of demons: the Poltergeist, one who literally picks up objects in the physical realm and can kill humans. |P| My Love and Acceptance for those in the Underworld is just as great for those living in the physical realm on Earth. During the visitation I Petitioned to The FATHER to save those in the Underworld. The FATHER gave me forty-eight hours to do my best. When that time expired I was only able to rescue three souls because the fear being cast upon them was so intense it prevented them from exiting. The FATHER kept HIS Holy Promise and allowed those three into Heaven but they were denied their wings. |P| Of course I have issues with any evil force on Earth; they are the ones in the most need of GOD’s Love. With regard to the LGBT, they are a genocide cult; that is the Truth; a creation from an older Chinese Communist government to drag the West down and destroy the Church for Christianity is the biggest threat to any oppressive government on Earth. Communism is the government that rules the Underworld. The goal of your enemy to kill the Church is fulfilling. A New Way of Thinking is in order.

Here is the issue: do understand those three rescued went to Heaven not a Church on Earth. Once you allow some part of this to proceed into the Sanctuary, there is no turning back and it always morphs into “just one more exception to allow for more presence” because a line could not be established. In other words, is there anything Sacred left in your Life? But, that line was already established a long time ago and it is called:                                                                                          


1: acting in accord with divine or moral law: free from guilt or sin

2: a) morally right or justifiable, “the righteous decision” b) arising from an outraged sense of justice or morality, “the righteous indignation”

3: slang: genuine, excellent

All of Christ Jesus’s Promises of Eternal Life Vaporize When One Aides and Abets Sin

O Church The FATHER of Christ Jesus already Judged the USA and it was an extremely harsh Judgment and am not so sure what is coming can be stopped. I remain Hopeful the Church snaps out of its spell. I ask you Kindly, how much responsibility regarding the fall of the USA should the Church shoulder? Would you be stunned to hear The FATHER said all of it? Would you be dumbfounded to Know that everyone is to pay the price for it with their lives? You did read that correctly and is the Truth. I Hope for you.

The Testimonial and Prophecies from The Meeting of Angels were delivered to many nationally and internationally. And your Brothers and Sisters, Hebrews/Jews and Christians were all warned of this one thing: “Whether you agree or disagree, PASS THIS ON!” And did they?  The answer is no and now you might realize what condition the Church, Synagogue and Temple are in.

  • The FATHER told me to tell the Church that as of February 8, 2009 all Churches are to only be Preaching about Idolatry, Sexual Immorality and Lying. And Churches nationally and internationally were informed all had until August 31, 2012 to get behind Mission Respect. When that did not happen, all chances of restoring Paradise ended. This was discussed in some length for these are The FATHER’s three main issues to be dealt with on Judgment Day. If you recall the gate in is extremely narrow and now you know why; failure in any one of those three and you are not getting into Heaven.
  • The FATHER made certain that we were told that Sexual Morality is accomplished when sexual relations occur between one man and one woman after
  • Telling the Truth raises up your Sisters and your Brothers. Here is the Truth about being “born in the wrong body”.
    1. There is nothing that infuriates The FATHER more than to hear HE made a mistake with someone’s DNA.
    2. The FATHER does not make mistakes with DNA. This was Truly made clear to me.
  • Their Rainbow Flag mocks The FATHER. If you are not looking for Heavenly troubles DO NOT attach this flag inside or outside of any Church at any time for any reason.

 The LGBT is associated with Children’s body mutilation and other Trans issues, infiltrating children’s spaces with Drag Queen Story Hours, grooming and indoctrination that often leads to perpetrating and victimization regrading Pedophilia. Some of this behavior leads to Children’s Ritual Blood Sacrifice and Torture for Adrenochrome Harvesting.  The bonds with Witchcraft and Communism are far greater than most people are even aware of today. Your ancestors knew all about this.


Pass this GOD-given Knowledge on and remain in Peace . . .