The FATHER’s First Story Told To Us

The FATHER's First Story


The Angels informed Janelle and me that this story was going to be about the word Smite. Even though I took notes through most of the sixty days it was never possible to write everything down. This report is to the best of my ability.

The FATHER begins by informing us that HIS Holiness has a Shield over our Earthly World and HIS Holiness is in control of who comes and goes with regard to other Life throughout the Super Universes. All Life must ask The FATHER for permission to enter and all hostile Life is rejected.

One Life form asked The FATHER if it would be alright to come in and introduce some high technology to a civilization in Central or South America; that they wanted to bring air conditioning, hot water and more to these people. Knowing now that The FATHER is all in for High-Technology, HIS Holiness would agree to allow them in if they made a promise to The FATHER personally.

The FATHER spoke and said, "I will allow you through the shield under one condition. If you ever allow those you are assisting to think you are ME I will smite you."

Things went very well for a very long time; the Honor and Respect for The FATHER was solid. However, and much like the United States of America that once claimed "One Nation Under GOD" things began to slip. The FATHER was removed from here and there. Over the generations the children of the children's children eventually were never reminded of the agreement. Those who could were long gone.

How does this Smite work? Simple, The FATHER pulls out and way from the offenders. Eventually famine, drought, storms and diseases rule the days. Why all of that? Evil takes over and Blood Ritual Sacrifices begin and the very ones they came to help are now the victims; the gods that they Worship are evil gods. And this takes a long time to occur for The FATHER metes out Grace during a time period of Respite in the Hope that someone with Intelligence will see the error of their ways and take decisive actions to stop the takeover of evil.

Many people have no idea how many pyramids were built on Earth but there a great many. All who participated are long gone indicating a pattern definitely surfaced. Everyone wants to be The FATHER but none Know how to be The FATHER. Or just flat out have no idea what is really going on. Whatever it may have been The FATHER wasn't invited. Well, all of those pyramid builders died by the own hands or were somehow lucky enough to leave and go back home. 

This is the result of failing to Respect The One and Only True GOD responsible for all of the Creations in the Super Universes.  And we Hope you get the point of this web site.


Remain Peace  . . .