The FATHER’s Second Story Told To Us


This Is The Story That Led To A Question That Led To A Prophecy


One night The FATHER started telling us about a young father and his family living in a northern mid-western state. It was night time and he was standing on the porch cussing and swearing at The FATHER over his family life concerning ill health and an upcoming death. The exact facts elude me so I will generalize in "close enough" mode.

The FATHER proceeds to tell us that this father had been under severe distress over almost losing his wife for months on end. One day he got word about his wife. She was going to be just fine. She came home and his daughter and him could not have been Happier. But as soon as all settled down and life returned to normal, his daughter falls ill and the doctors tell him she is going to die. He just can't believe his bad luck. That is why he was on the porch cussing out The FATHER. This was actually happening as The FATHER is telling this story to Janelle and myself. Here comes the question.

"Edward, I have decided to let you make this decision. This man is the last of the 144,000 to be Anointed and prepared for travel.  What do you want to do; is he worthy of this Honor?"

Without any hesitation I said, "Only a True follower of YOURS FATHER would have the nerve to do what he is doing because he knows who is in charge. (The father's daughter is healed but cannot remember these details. Christ Jesus was involved for sure.) Yes, Anoint and prepare him for time travel. This is his Destiny that YOU planned for him."

The FATHER's number one Angel, the Angel of Love steps forward and says, "In the future you will be giving a concert and we will make sure you two meet on stage so the both of you can share your Testimonies."