The FATHER Said:




"I am assigning Moses to be your Holy Mentor."

"900 Trillion souls have come and gone before you and I rebuilt your Earth every 10,000 years. This will be no more. (Context: if after all of this the Human Race cannot stop being deceived by The Evil One, then this Earth shall become another Hell and The FATHER will relocate the 144,000 to The New Earth.)

"As of now (February 8, 2009) there are only nine prophets walking your Earthly World.

"She, (Janelle), is MY Star Daughter. (That is as high as a woman can go.)

"Edward tell them that there will no longer be a reason to Pray to US after We leave except over what I have told you. Inform them to Pray to ME without a mediator. When they Pray to only Pray about what you have told them in regard to the visitation and nothing else."

"The Holy Healing Powers of Christ Jesus are flowing in great abundance.

"Edward, read the Book of Jeremiah.

"When a child becomes thirteen years old, that child becomes an adult.

"I am the one who created your Zodiac.

"I am the one who built Stonehenge.

"Edward, tell them that if they do not get behind you they will perish like those who did during the days of Jeremiah. (Context: It will be worse than one nation; this time it will be the entire Earth.)

"Tell them that once they are informed of Mission Nine, they will be without excuse.

"Edward, no one understands the enemy Better than you do.

"Edward there is a shield over your Earth and I control who comes and goes.

"MY favorite book in your Bible is the Book of Numbers. "Edward, if you quit smoking within five years I will add twenty-three years to your Life; you will 120 years. (2076)

"I wrote a book for your Bible. (It has since been removed.)

"Edward, you are the only person on your Earth that has MY permission to wear The Cross.