The Angel Said

The FATHER, Moses, Christ Jesus and multitude of Angels Witnessed all things said to us.


On a day in December 2008 They were visible but They said Nothing; no one from Heaven spoke to Us for twenty-four hours. 

I wrote G O D. I erased it and wrote God. The Angel of Knowledge approached me and said,  "Edward, why did you erase GOD? Did you not think you had it right?"

The Angel of Love said, "They read into the Scriptures those things that do not exist.

"Edward, Christ Jesus never had the full Power and Authorities of The FATHER.  What Christ did not have is given to Immanuel.

"When you go out into the world to do as the FATHER asked of you and things do not go well for you Honor Luke 9:5.

"When you were six months old your cousin pushed you down the stairs. I caught you in My arms."

The Angel of Hope said, "I give them Hope, so they may cope."

The Angel of Patience said, "I can make a Life a very long song, if you take the path which is wrong."

The Angel of Harmony said, "Everything  here on Earth has a special meaning since their birth."

The Angel of Wisdom said, "Learned Knowledge does not mean that you will gain Wisdom as it seems.

"I am a five pointed star; I am the Star of Bethlehem."

The Angel of Knowledge said, "Knowledge is a tool. Use it often and don't be a fool."

The Angel of Honor said, "Know the difference between right and wrong."

The Angel of Honesty said, "Don't fall into the trap of telling a white lie."

The Angel of Respect said, "Life needs to be lived without a wrong." 

The Angel of Empathy said, "I am the Angel who knows that the troubles and pains of humans allow them to grow."

The Angel of Courage said, "Have Courage when there is nothing left for sure and I will fight your fears right out the door."

The Angel of Purity said, "Unclean thoughts should cause you fears."

The Angel of Mercy said, "Remember I bring Forgiveness, Kindness and Relief, Relief of suffering untold."

The Angel of Peace, "I will grant to you all you deserve and more, just open your Spirits door."