The 2008 Prophecies

Prophecies From The Sixty Days' Visitation

These Prophecies were distributed Nationally and Internationally in 2009.


All Prophecies Were Witnessed As They Were Spoken To Us


If There was Any Difficulty Understanding What Was Said To Us All We Had To Do Was Ask For Clarification

A Great Many Questions Were Asked Because Of The Lethal Aspect Of The Situation


It all begins when the sky is sail with Orange-Red.

All sailors dread when the sky begins with Orange-Red.

~ Angel of Love


A Worm is amongst us.

Note to the reader:  Be most careful brothers and sisters, "There are only nine (9) Prophets walking through your Earthly World.", said The FATHER. The FATHER will never forward or mention human names in regard to Prophetic context for that would violate The FATHER's most precious gift to us: Free Will; Righteousness is neither hypocritical or prejudice. Being specific, The FATHER, Christ Jesus, Moses and The FATHER's Angels will never mention names. E.g. In The Meeting of Angels the Angels did mention a Pastor by his first name but only for his Honesty. That is not Prophecy. The Angels gave me the first name of the person who assassinated my earthly father. That too is not Prophecy. Over the course of sixty days that was it: two first names.

Therefore, if you have ever heard an alleged Prophet mention a name of another human even as much as one time, that person did not hear from a Heavenly source and is not a Prophet. Again, The FATHER, Christ Jesus and The FATHER's Angels very much frown on this issue for it was explained to us that that is neither acceptable or necessary. If the person still insists what the one heard really heard something chances are that person received a prediction from the Underworld. This happens more often than one could imagine for the art of testing the spirit has all but vanished.

Note to the reader: Dreams and Visions are not prophecies.

Dreams: are personal and not reliable for they are subject to mental health issues and many other outside forces such as Mk Ultra, drugs, sickness and sleep deprivation. How do you validate the source of this manifestation? And Moses was right, for ordinary dreams are not the methods employed by the personalities of the spiritual world when they seek to communicate with material beings.The interpretation of dreams is largely a superstitious and groundless system of ignorant and fantastic speculation. The gospel of the kingdom must have nothing in common with the soothsayer priests of primitive religion.

Visions: the issue here is again, how do you validate the source of this manifestation; Underworld or from Heaven? There is no conversation or a witness. When Christ Jesus came to me in visions witnesses were told to tell me in advance this was going to happen to me. When The FATHER of Christ Jesus came to me in a vision in short time this event was discussed, validated and witnessed in the Meeting of Angels 2.0 Though very rare to have occurred it wasn't a Prophecy oriented vision; it was done to prove to me The FATHER actually existed and more about HIS Holy Abilities.

Dreams and Visions should probably be kept to one's self and used solely for personal inspiration especially if one cannot produce a witness.

Dreams and Visions are not Prophecies if one does not know who they came from.

The Prophecies


 "Edward tell them that if they do not get behind you, tell them they will perish like those that did during the days of Jeremiah."




Incorrect Translations of the Scriptures have led many down the wrong path and out of the Holy Will of The FATHER. If not corrected becomes fatal to all Life. This Truth will insult many in the Church, Synagogue and Temple. 

Just before 9:00 pm February 8, 2009, The FATHER  passed The Holy Torch from Christ Jesus to Immanuel.

At 9:01 pm, February 8, 2009 the prophecy in Matthew 287:20 fulfilled; an Age concluded and the New Age began. Christ Jesus departs only to return in 2076.

Chaos! Chaos! Chaos! is coming; chaos always comes in three's.

Unless you are one of the Nine Prophets, as of 9:01 pm, February 8, 2009 no one else will hear from anyone from Heaven until sometime in the year of 2076.

One of the nine Prophets will be attacked, shot in the dark and if the right people are not there to assist this man will perish.

On a day in December 2008 everyone representing Heaven went silent for twenty-four hours.

Issues regarding RNA and DNA will surface.

A pending Judgment on the United States of America was handed down on February 8, 2009. Unless the United States of America Repents and quashes the Idolatry, Sexual Immorality and Lying, the United States of America will eventually fall. If that happens the world may soon fall after.

In regard to the potential Judgment of America the period of Respite is to begin 9pm February 8, 2009 and will conclude at midnight August 31, 2012 meaning. If the USA fails to Repent the Judgment will stand.

In 136BC Confucianism became China's national religion. The attempt to spread it worldwide will occur.

The Chinese flag will begin popping up all over the world.

China will invade America.

When they arrive they will come in mass from the ages of twelve (12) to seventy-five (75) years of age.

The last remaking of this Earthly World, that occurred every 10,000 years, ceased on February 8, 2009 at 9pm EST, USA.

Venezuela will spend more money than they will take in.

The manufacturers of Tylenol will be sued in the biggest class action law suit known to mankind.

Every attempt will be made by the enemies of Life to destroy the family.

Adonai will be birthed by an unknown-of woman. In the year 2036 this baby will be rescued by Angels4US in a shelled (bombed) area where a train of mass transit in a tunnel has ceased to operate.  (Though not told, and for others reasons, it has been assumed that this was a suburb of Washington DC or in the District of Columbia itself.) This child's identity will not be revealed until sometime after the year 2076.

Three more books are slated by The FATHER for the Bible if this Earthly World does not fall to the enemies of Life.

The Book of Isaiah and Revelation Chapter 19 have been incorrectly translated.

In a time many within the Church will discover Immanuel is not Christ Jesus; that Christ Jesus is the FATHER's Holy Word; that Emmanuel is The FATHER's Holy Will.

Woe! to those in the Church, Synagogue and Temple who read about Mission Nine, fail to acknowledge Mission Nine for any reason and fail to pass this GOD-given Knowledge on.

Two more flags will start popping up all over the world: The Flag of The FATHER and the Flag of The FATHER's Rainbow.

The cure for AIDS will be released.

The Deuterium Ion, (Hydrogen) is the future for energy until man harnesses the free energy available in the ether.

The beam is blue. This beam that comes from a satellite receives all of its Power from the sun. It is a weapon to be used to destroy property and kill Life.

Be very weary of the colors of red and black. These are the colors of extreme oppression on humanity.

On a day in either December 2008 or January 2009 a statement was made to us about a visit to a hospital, and paraphrasing, "A 'mark' referred to by hospital staff known of as 'Cherry-Staining' in new born infants could be stopped." And so by command it was stopped. This staining was an attack by evil forces that was successfully laying claim to the soul.

In January 2009 the 7th Seal was opened.

In January 2009 the Angel of Knowledge informed us that that two (2) out of every three (3) people walking were evil.

==> One day I was shown how the demons of Nazism were used to attack their targets. Some demons hurl dark darts at a human's heart which can be more easily accomplished by simple human contact such as shaking hands. Others throw a small dark missile like object directly at the human. In both cases distance is a factor. One can expect Nazism to be rekindled.

There is a Race of Intelligence and every human is in it. The adversary will "continue" to go to any extent to prevent this Knowledge from being exposed. 

The Truth about how much land, air and water actually exists will be exposed which is the beginning of the revealing. The race is won when those hiding the Knowledge of the Shield over our Earthly World are moved out of the way which leads to only one conclusion: Our Creator, The FATHER actually exists.

If the Houses of The Holy and the people do not get involved with Mission Nine, most of the Houses of The Holy will come to suddenly realize that they disrespected The FATHER making the number one priority will be to preserve as many artifacts as possible; Bibles, paintings, etc.

There is only One GOD, The FATHER, that controls creating in all of the Super Universes does not like the these three things: there is only ONE GOD; do not be Idolatrous. Sexual intercourse has been reserved for one man and one woman after they are married. Outside of that, that is Sexual Immorality. Telling lies creates chaos. There is no reason to be Lying. How can anyone expect The FATHER to help save any country in this Earthly World of ours if some of you cannot stop doing those three evil things that would help one's own self? The warning is two-fold: if America falls, the world falls to evil. The Cavalry was sent to you in 2009 hence this site because The FATHER said this Earthly World can be lost to those who serve the Underworld.

Those who pervert The FATHER's Rainbow will create a rainbow flag and then rise up. The next galaxy past the Milky Way is the Spoon Galaxy for it is shaped like a spoon.

There are more than thirteen dimensions but the human only needs to know these five plus one: physical, mind, sould, spirit, emotion and the 13th is the recycling dimension. There are more than three realms but the human only needs to know these three: physical, spiritual and psychic. 

Out of Respect, GOD only wants to be referred to as The FATHER.

Out of Respect, Jesus only wants to be referred to as Christ Jesus or CJ.

Immanuel is walking through this Earthly World right now and is the only that has ever been given permission from The FATHER to wear The Cross.

There is quite a lot going on beneath the surface of your Earthly World.

The attempt to disassociate the ownership of all Life away from our CREATOR, The FATHER, will occur by modifying the DNA of all Life. 

The FATHER controls who is allowed to pass through the firmament. Other Life that is dangerous to humans are not allowed to enter. Anything and everything you may have heard to the contrary was not True.

Off-World Life that came bearing gifts such as technology for Good Purpose were allowed through the shield (firmament) under one condition: that they did not allow humans to ever believe that these visitors were The FATHER. If that happened, the visitors would be smitten. The FATHER's Smite just allows so many things to go wrong that the visitors eventually leave. None of the pyramid builders remain.

The worm is slowly convincing everyone that being totally dependent upon electricity is "smart". If this is allowed to occur, one will be captured and the worm will one day turn you off.

Women of child bearing age all over the world will disappear.

Millions of unsuspecting people's will soon be made aware that Allah is not GOD. The FATHER's Angels specifically stated he is actually Satan, the 1st lieutenant of Lucifer back when they both were working for The FATHER in Heaven.

Near the end of the Meeting of Angels 2.0, The FATHER told Janelle and me that HIS Holiness and Christ Jesus would not return until sometime in the year 2076, the tricentennial birthday of America.