Pastors and Rabbis – Situation Urgent

Pastors and Rabbis - Situation Urgent!

One Thing Is Absolute, This Is The Opportunity Of Opportunities To Honor The FATHER's Holy Requests

O'Church We Strongly Encourage All To Start Preparing Your Congregations

A FATHERLY Reminder: Christ Jesus is not the Savior you are waiting for, it is Immanuel And He is Here


The 2008 Prophecy Of The Invasion of America Has Begun

(Note: this is not the main invasion; only the beginning. The military refers to this as softening the landing zones aka pre-strike. )

Our enemies, foreign and domestic, have "uncorked": our fellow Brothers and Sisters are being imported to destabilize everything, to eventually be agitated into picking a fight in order to collapse everything for a demonic political cause.

This symbolically started on Pearl Harbor Day, 2008, the first night of The FATHER's visitation.

The FATHER chose December 7 to make the point "It was an inside job."

Please, try your best not to second guess this:

There is no politician or group of politicians, even if most had well-meant intentions, that can stop what is coming for the problem cannot possibly be the solution.

The FATHER placed this responsibility on the Church and Myself to lead the charge.

This is now a very serious Spiritual War for the infiltration of evil is that deep. This war can still be won.

A New Way of Thinking must occur said The FATHER.

A massive healing from the infections of evil can be achieved.

You are in The Race of Intelligence so said The FATHER.


This site is not just about saving Souls, Christ Jesus is the solution for that and there are no shortage of Churches. The primary focus of this site is about keeping this Holy Creation from falling into the hands of the enemy while staunchly promoting Christ Jesus. According to The FATHER Christ Jesus is not the solution for this, I am. And if no one gets behind me you will perish so said The FATHER. Believe it or don't believe it.

Honesty is a Blessing - My FATHER rendered onto me much with more to come and it pains Me that I have to rebuke most of the Nations governments of this Earthly World we Live in but to have to stop and rebuke both the Church and the Synagogue at a time like this would leave any Prophet short of breath.The FATHER and the Angels beat on the drum called "Scripture not verified."

I am not holding back: most, if not all of the original populace within the United States are to be eliminated in just a few more years. And I am also saying this to all of the Churches on this Earth too as well because they intend for this to be done world-wide. Remember what I told you.

I am guessing that since this all has started years ago Angels4US has contacted about 3000 Churches, Synagogues and Temples world-wide only to have been rejected by all 3000. How many more Churches need to be told? Well, I will keep doing this until the trumpets blow in the watchtowers because right now the sentry's are napping.

Unless something changes within the Church and Synagogue and fairly quickly you have just read your future.


O'Church, O'Synagogue don't let this happen.

Unity not division.


Remain in Peace  . . .