Operation Deception <> Evil Explained

Operation Deception <> Evil Explained

The FATHER of Christ Jesus declared myself to be the ultimate expert on Life's Enemies. Below is a video produced by Chuck Swindoll. I have given this video about an 85% accuracy rating; most rarely reach 40% if that. This video is close enough and well presented and CS gets to the point. If you are not sure what is going on in this world this is the ice breaker to listen to.


Lucifer & Luciferians - Masters of Deception



1. Mr. Swindoll is correct about this: no one is coming to save you. The FATHER asked us to create Angels4US.Org so "WE" can save ourselves. That is as far as The FATHER will intervene due to issues of Free Will.

2. Mr. Swindoll is correct when about this: you are not born a sinner. For any one who Preaches and Teaches this must stop for that one in insulting The FATHER by telling the congregation The FATHER made a mistake in the DNA sequence. Don't ever do that becasue that is a most serious issue of Respect of the lack of it.  When a human reaches the age of thirteen that child becomes an adult and the Innocence of Infancy expires. If the parents of the child have taught the child to Worship the CREATOR, GOD, The FATHER of Christ Jesus; was taught to not engage in sexual intercourse outside the Sacred Covenant of Marriage between one man and one woman; was taught never to lie, that adult will be "Sin Free" if that one also obeys man's laws. Any adult can begin same at anytime. This means any one can save themself.