Letters To Politicians

Senator Tim Kaine
202 224 4024

Senator Mark Warner
703 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington DC 20510
202 224-2023

Edward L. Zabrowski of Staunton, VA | As Witnessed Ordained by The FATHER of Christ Jesus HE HIMSELF
(540) 487-7459

Topic: Know that the United States of America passed the point of no return on August 31, 2012. For whatever the reasons and/or causes the United States Federal Government has catastrophically underestimated the enemy. In other words, the United States Federal Government has created a monster that no one has a chance of taming because there is not one politician or group of same or the US Military that can stop the total siege of the United States of America that is coming; only GOD can do this but as it stands GOD has been kicked out of almost every way of Life. This has become an extremely lethal issue for all Americans. If America falls this Earthly World literally falls into a Hell never to be recovered.

Senator Mark Warner,

Greetings in The Holy Names of The FATHER, Moses, Christ Jesus and The FATHER’s Angels.

We Truly Appreciate any one who serves in Congress. Todays politician is faced with so many issues we often Wonder how you get through times like these.

According to The FATHER of Christ Jesus, you and your family are standing in the middle of Judah. All of this information is Witnessed GOD-given Knowledge and has been placed on Angels4US.Org. If you are unfamiliar with the Book of Jeremiah, everyone was exterminated but the Prophet Jeremiah. An issue of Respect for Jeremiah came when King Nebuchadnezzar gave a command to rescue Jeremiah from prison and leave him alone.

In the very lengthy Witnessed visitation with The FATHER of Christ, The FATHER declared Me to be the Prophet of Prophets in regard to the future of the United States of America and the rest of our Earthly World. According to His Holiness, The FATHER, I am far more than that to HIM; this can be proven True.

The point: What is going on all borders is nothing compared to what is coming and when it comes no one will have anywhere to go; not even a deep underground bunker or a Deep Underground Military Base will provide safety. The
Chinese will horrifically execute everyone for they despise the West.

Partial Solution: Restore GOD in both school and Government; Bibles and Prayers. My Angels will then take action in the Spiritual Realm and start pushing back the Evil One’s forces. But this is only a start and this will have to go all of the way or it will not be effective.

Your Servant for The FATHER and Generator of Peace,


Congressman Ben Cline
2443 Rayburn HOB
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: (202) 225-5431

Edward L. Zabrowski of Staunton, VA | As Witnessed Ordained by The FATHER of Christ Jesus HE HIMSELF
(540) 487-7459

Topic: Issues & Legislation – S3428 | H6645 – United States DefundWithdrawal? From United Nations

Congressman Ben Cline,

Greetings in the Holy Names of The FATHER, Moses, Christ Jesus and The Angels.

In a previous letter to you a statement was written that it was unfair that you did not know me but I know you. That may be about the change.

According to The FATHER years ago, HIS Holiness declared, in a witnessed environment, I was HIS Prophet of prophets in regard to the future of the United States of America. The focus is on America first and then the rest of the world for if America falls so falls the world into a hell-like-state never to recover. The FATHER also declared that no one on Earth knows the enemy better than I do. And the HIS Holy Angels went on to tell us a lot more.

Congressman Ben Cline, do you Love your family and Hope that no harm ever comes to them? We were actually asked by The FATHER of Christ Jesus to rescue the family. And this is where we are today and very short on time.

That danger began when a globalist was installed into the White House marking the ideological capture of same by Corporate America. Many a human cannot wrap their mind around the evil behind this movement. The first estate of the Beast is famine and poverty by any means. Translation: a self-inflicted Wrath of Death and Destruction was created when the United States Corporation of America (established 1871) embraced the United Nations.

Want a future for you and your family? Spend every waking moment to convince as many as you can to dissolve the relationship with United Nations. This physical and spiritual entity was created by the most evil people in the world at that time and being run by the same today. Simply stated, if Congress fails to do this, everything every one of you does after a potential failure will be for naught.

Cut the head off of the snake of Global Death and Destruction or prepare to perish so said The FATHER of Christ Jesus. I am telling you Congressman Ben Cline you are literally standing in Judah during the days of Jeremiah. The FATHER made that abundantly clear to us.

You may wish to view Maria Zeee: UN Blueprint For Forced Smart Cities |Mar 12, 2024 at Banned.Video. Other topics arise but they do explain the importance of these bills. These two women got it right, The UN is literally a death machine; they are the snake.

Respectfully, your Servant of The FATHER and Generator of Peace,

Senator Tim Kaine
202 224 4024

Senator Mark Warner
703 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington DC 20510
202 224-2023

Edward L. Zabrowski of Staunton, VA | As Witnessed Ordained by The FATHER of Christ Jesus HE HIMSELF
(540) 487-7459

Topic: Know that the United States of America passed the point of no return on August 31, 2012. For whatever the reasons and/or causes the United States Federal Government has catastrophically underestimated the enemy. In other words, the United States Federal Government has created a monster that no one has a chance of taming because there is not one politician or group of same or the US Military that can stop the total siege of the United States of America that is coming; only GOD can do this but as it stands GOD has been kicked out of almost every way of Life. This has become an extremely lethal issue for all Americans. If America falls this Earthly World literally falls into a Hell never to be recovered.

Senator Mark Warner,

Greetings in The Holy Names of The FATHER, Moses, Christ Jesus and The FATHER’s Angels.

We Truly Appreciate any one who serves in Congress. Todays politician is faced with so many issues we often Wonder how you get through times like these.

According to The FATHER of Christ Jesus, you and your family are standing in the middle of Judah. All of this information is Witnessed GOD-given Knowledge and has been placed on Angels4US.Org. If you are unfamiliar with the Book of Jeremiah, everyone was exterminated but the Prophet Jeremiah. An issue of Respect for Jeremiah came when King Nebuchadnezzar gave a command to rescue Jeremiah from prison and leave him alone.

In the very lengthy Witnessed visitation with The FATHER of Christ, The FATHER declared Me to be the Prophet of Prophets in regard to the future of the United States of America and the rest of our Earthly World. According to His Holiness, The FATHER, I am far more than that to HIM; this can be proven True.

The point: What is going on all borders is nothing compared to what is coming and when it comes no one will have anywhere to go; not even a deep underground bunker or a Deep Underground Military Base will provide safety. The
Chinese will horrifically execute everyone for they despise the West.

Partial Solution: Restore GOD in both school and Government; Bibles and Prayers. My Angels will then take action in the Spiritual Realm and start pushing back the Evil One’s forces. But this is only a start and this will have to go all of the way or it will not be effective.

Your Servant for The FATHER and Generator of Peace,


Congressman Ben Cline
2443 Rayburn HOB
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: (202) 225-5431

Edward L. Zabrowski of Staunton, VA | As Witnessed Ordained by The FATHER of Christ Jesus HE HIMSELF
(540) 487-7459

Topic: Issues & Legislation – S3428 | H6645 – United States DefundWithdrawal? From United Nations

Congressman Ben Cline,

Greetings in the Holy Names of The FATHER, Moses, Christ Jesus and The Angels.

In a previous letter to you a statement was written that it was unfair that you did not know me but I know you. That may be about the change.

According to The FATHER years ago, HIS Holiness declared, in a witnessed environment, I was HIS Prophet of prophets in regard to the future of the United States of America. The focus is on America first and then the rest of the world for if America falls so falls the world into a hell-like-state never to recover. The FATHER also declared that no one on Earth knows the enemy better than I do. And the HIS Holy Angels went on to tell us a lot more.

Congressman Ben Cline, do you Love your family and Hope that no harm ever comes to them? We were actually asked by The FATHER of Christ Jesus to rescue the family. And this is where we are today and very short on time.

That danger began when a globalist was installed into the White House marking the ideological capture of same by Corporate America. Many a human cannot wrap their mind around the evil behind this movement. The first estate of the Beast is famine and poverty by any means. Translation: a self-inflicted Wrath of Death and Destruction was created when the United States Corporation of America (established 1871) embraced the United Nations.

Want a future for you and your family? Spend every waking moment to convince as many as you can to dissolve the relationship with United Nations. This physical and spiritual entity was created by the most evil people in the world at that time and being run by the same today. Simply stated, if Congress fails to do this, everything every one of you does after a potential failure will be for naught.

Cut the head off of the snake of Global Death and Destruction or prepare to perish so said The FATHER of Christ Jesus. I am telling you Congressman Ben Cline you are literally standing in Judah during the days of Jeremiah. The FATHER made that abundantly clear to us.

You may wish to view Maria Zeee: UN Blueprint For Forced Smart Cities |Mar 12, 2024 at Banned.Video. Other topics arise but they do explain the importance of these bills. These two women got it right, The UN is literally a death machine; they are the snake.

Respectfully, your Servant of The FATHER and Generator of Peace,