Important Message From The FATHER To All Who Preach And Teach The Scripture

To All Who Preach And Teach Either Testament In The Bible And to All Who Believe Or Do Not Believe

This Is The FATHER's Call To Correct The Messaging

What Is Really Going On?

The ultra-majority have been teaching the people the incorrect character of The FATHER of Christ Jesus for a very long time and a lot more. If the Church were experts in these four languages: Paleo-Hebrew, Proto-Hebrew, Ancient Hebrew and Aramaic the incoming storm may have never developed; there may have been some mistakes but not like these mistakes. Incorrect translations, letter symbols and word definitions, unintentional and intentional, have led the Faithful down a few dark paths. Then there are those who allow their imaginations to blur-out the facts. 

The El, Elohim, Elyon, etc., and Yahweh are not My FATHER. Seeing "El" translated like this would appear to have this shared "root" or common denominator. In many cases this is not True. And it is mistakes like these that eventually brought chaos to the your Earthly World. The FATHER refers to this as as storm that is coming.

This next issue alone becomes very complex because it concerns multiple entities. When you read the word Lord in the Tenak exactly who is that; as in which Lord? Those Hebrew definitions El, etc., are all wrong. Though there are references to a "most high" of some sort they Truly are only referring to "higher than most." But none of them are the absolute above all, our CREATOR, the One and Only True GOD, My FATHER. Here is the issue that upsets The FATHER greatly, (see The FATHER's First Story): when you are reading The Tenak just how sure are you that you have always Known who the writer is writing about and who is that one talking to the others that are calling this person/entity "lord"? Hint: My FATHER has never required a sacrifice, food, gold, silver, wine or required a space craft for travel. Now you know why My FATHER is not Pleased. This is covered in the topic: The FATHER's First Story Told To Us. The was the second topic of concern in the sixty days' visitation marking the importance of this issue.

And if it wasn't that it was some other seriously incorrect translation, false dogma, false doctrine, false tenet, false maxim, false principle, assumption, opinion or imagination gone wild via a kibitzer, etc. here you are in the middle of a complex mess that radiates all of the way into The Book of Revelation; not The Book of Revelation itself; the translation of it is not possible without Divine Intervention yet thousands try without it.

Because these issues became so complicated and distorted The FATHER presented a simple fix for now.

"Edward, tell them who stand behind a pulpit to Preach ONLY about Idolatry, Sexual Immorality and Lying." 

According to The FATHER you can't go wrong Preaching on only those three topics.

As a reminder this is why The FATHER created a New Earth and readied the 144,000 for relocation in anticipation of HIS Holy message being rejected.

Have the thousands that have been made aware of this literally GOD-given Knowledge corrected their messaging; have you heard differently; are you going to Honor The FATHER's request and pass this on?

Here is an irony: for the thousands that have been made aware of these issues and given this simple fix, we haven't heard anyone change the messaging, so far.

This rejection of the correction became a serious issue of Respect or in this case a lack of it. And now you Know why The FATHER entitled HIS Holy mission Mission Nine - Respect.


Remain in Peace. . .