Immanuel Says


Nothing Gets By Heaven, Nothing

Practical Knowledge for the people, Church and Synagogue.

The Beast: The Man or Woman who chose to Respect, ignore and/or deny the existence of Our CREATOR of the Cosmos which morphs into an Evil of  thoughtless Power and false Authority. When this Criminal Machine is not dealt with this will eventually leads to collapse of everything. And certainly corporations and banks should never be left to set policies for any human for that Wisdom is, more or less, very True for any time. 

The Holy Healing Powers of Christ Jesus are flowing in great abundance. ~ GOD, our FATHER


"Never say to another My Brother Christ Jesus was a Jew for there were no Jews in those days.

"On 01.20.09 Washington DC was spared from a devastating nuclear bomb; even so, "The Thunder of Satan" did strike Washington DC/America that day; an event that might as well have been a mortal one for America has never Spiritually recovered, so far.

"Never say to a Brother or Sister 'We must lean of GOD for help; we cannot defeat this evil il alone.' Not only is this wrong, you  can absolutely defeat evil without GOD.

"Because the Hebrew Cannon was incorrectly translated never say to a Brother or a Sister 'We Know how this all ends.'

"My FATHER has never cursed any human. When the disrespect to The FATHER reaches 66.6%, the human race naturally curses itself. This limit occurred in January 2009. 

"The reason why the word Trinity does not exist in the Scripture is because The FATHER is Omnipotent. 

"A gay person will not be accepted into the Kingdom of GOD. It is on the Church and Synagogue to insist on Repentance to escape that #2 No-No of The FATHER: Sexual Immorality; yet few can explain why this is a sin. Firstly, the Creation of the Cosmos was based family, not same-sex relationships; anything else is genocide. Secondly, being gay is extremely selfish for every man GOD Created, a perfect woman was Created. Same-sex relationships destroy this very beautiful potential for the other Innocent one. 

"If you are a Pastor or a Rabbi and you cannot name all of your members by that member's first name the congregation is too big and has lost its way.

"Universal Basic Income represents the death of the human mind and eventually the death of the human; this is the Evil One's goal."

"A robot that is mobile should not have arms or legs. A robot with arms and legs should be mounted or restricted to a short track. Any deviance from this could will lead to Artificial Intelligence exterminating the human race."

"This Earth will always exist but humanity as everyone Knows of it may end."

"Never spit into the face of a Brother or Sister."

"The mystery of how the pyramids were built simply explained: as GOD, The FATHER gave Solomon Authority over the demons of the underworld,  were bound and then used to build the a huge Temple to GOD, the Kings of Egypt used same to build the pyramids. And they didn't hide any of that from anyone. Paintings of the demons are everywhere." 

"Civilized Christianity is the solution to all of Our Earthly World woes. That will require the acknowledgement of two messiahs."

"Prions and spike proteins can be and will be used as biological weapons."

"The Intelligence of the human race is being lowered; the Intelligent of the human race are being eliminated; then the human race will be eliminated."

"How can anyone rationalize with a person of a specific race tell you that specific race is bad? These are signs of mental illness and/or demonic possession and at the very least suicidal"

"The FATHER told Janelle and Myself that when HIS Holiness and Christ Jesus leave there would be no reason for HIM  or Christ Jesus to speak to anyone on Earth and that Prayers would be heard but not responded to unless it was a very dire emergency since February 8, 2009." 

"The  FATHER nor Christ Jesus has never told a woman to preach anything to a man or men."

"My Earthly parents named me Edward Lawrence. My family nickname was Larry. The Angels named me Lariah. Though The FATHER called me Edward HE made it clear I was also Noah, Jeremiah, a royal tax collector, Monet, Paul and Immanuel. 

"When the number of citizens who work for government exceeds that of those working for themselves that nation's government has enslaved all but the very rich; some refer to this a fascism.

"One does not have to sign a Contract in Blood to become a member into the Club of Satan. All you have to do is talk and promote abortion and other acts of genocide all day long and you're in.

"A nation that begins suffering from mass shootings is suffering from a slow-rolling communist takeover. This is The Worm of Death and Destruction; if the Worm was as fast as a striking snake, humans would immediately react and solve the problem.

"This comes down to two possibilities for Cain and Able were not twins. Either Eve had been involved with sexual intercourse with two others or there were two Eves involved for there were many Adam's and Eve's created before it was all said and done. MY FATHER allowed Life Carriers that HE supplied through Earth's Shield as long as they obeyed one agreement: Never Allow The Humans To Think You Are ME. Well now, "they" are no longer here.

"A nation that has a Tyrannical Justice System requires no leadership.

"No such thing as a white lie or a Good witch; both are the opposites of Truth.

"The act of using technology to create earthquakes is another diabolical act to force others to capitulate to a demand. Fukushima is an example of that.

"If there is anymore to the moon blocking out the sun in an eclipse do expect foul play unless it was natural like that a swarming locusts. If there is not act of foul play pitching fear to the public is an act of domestic terrorism for "they" are desperate and possess no shame or Empathy for our fellow Brothers and Sisters.

"The Devil is the Supreme Master of the Artificial Catastrophe.

"When a human enters into Nervi Hall in the City State of the Roman Empire (Vatican) one can't help notice that that one walked into the mouth of a venomous snake. Venom peptides are being put into many medicines that affect the "nervi" nervous system. Search Nervi Hall, click on images.

"Grifters have been proclaiming for over forty years that Global Warming is melting ice and the oceans are to rise-up and drown the world. The sea level has not risen one inch because that narrative is a lie.

"Gender Affirming Care (body mutilation) of minors, even with parental consent maybe a Nuremberg Code violation.

"Children begin to acquire the ability to logically discern at age nine and Wisdom is gained over many years. Why would any adult ask a child if they want to change their sex unless there was a nefarious reason for doing so and to do this is Evil? No informed consent is a Nuremberg Code violation.

"About the sacrifice of the Red Heifer. This Sacrifice will not be recognized by My FATHER. My FATHER has never required a Sacrifice, money, food and alcohol for anything else; these things do not buy My FATHER's Holy Favor or any other such thing; this is actually an insult to My FATHER's Holy Righteous Character. My FATHER's Holy Desire is that the human race Respect, does GOOD works for HIM and Worship Him, that is all. Be forewarned that any entity" that acknowledges this Sacrifice and Validates the acceptance of this worthless act is bad news; run for the hills. Good people, the Books of Moses were written as an instruction manual to deal with these marauders. Moses did what He had to do; He had to convince that mass Exodus to stop Sacrificing people and negotiated only Sacrificing animals instead.

"Never call an extraterrestrial an Angel. Angels do not require space crafts to travel.

"I said to MY FATHER, 'Surely there must be some who were tricked into committing an act that landed them into Hell'. The FATHER replied, 'You have forty-eight hours to rescue as many as you can.' Two days later I asked, 'How many were saved?' The FATHER  replied, 'Three and they are already here but I will never allow them to get their wings.' People, three were better than none. The reason only three got out was because the Fear of The Evil One was that unimaginable intense; no one dared leave.

"There is not Tranquillity in Transgenderism. Transgenderism is a weapon of the Devil to depopulate the human race."

"Mail-in ballots represents the Pure Corruption of liars, cheats and thieves.

"#1 The Devil, Caligastia. #2 Lucifer. #3 Satan in Heaven was Lucifer's lieutenant. #4 Beelzebub, a rebel traitor of Midwayers (half human - half Seraphic)  in that order. All gathered to destroy the bestowal mission given to Christ Jesus by My FATHER. Satan is also a club of members whose primary goal was to settle social issues with brute force using weapons of war. Eventually Arch Angel Gabriel descended, rounded up and bound all rebel leaders since the beginning for an age. All of these rebels represent the Dragon. Christ Jesus's cousin, Judas Iscariot was such a member of Satan. He sought out Christ Jesus during CJ's forty days to clear and reorganize His Holy Mind. Judas Iscariot  propositioned Christ Jesus saying if they together joined forces they could take back any city overtaken by any enemy. Christ Jesus refused this offer. Why would the Devil send Satan to take out a Son of GOD? Surely Caligastia knew that if He wanted the job done right He would have to do it He Himself and He did. The point being made here is, it is always Best to lay it all out on the Devil and let it go at that.

"Be not one to deny the Resurrection of My Brother Christ Jesus for His Holy Bones are nowhere on Earth to be found. No other National Religion on Earth can make that claim. All others gods Worshiped were buried into this Earth.

"O America you have turned your heads and your backs to GOD and Christ Jesus a Lord of and for GOD; your Liberty is on the verge of being lost forever.

"Vainglory, Greed, Blood and Sexual Lust, Envy, Gluttony, Anger, and Sloth have devoured most politicians world-wide.

"On December 7, 2008 The FATHER declared America Morally, Mentally Soulfully, Emotionally and Spiritually dysfunctional.

"That Pharmaceutical Industry has been over taken by the Evil One. Mental illness and bodily illnesses are increasing rapidly.

"Some perceive the city-state known of as the Vatican as a Holy operation. It is not Holy; the very same that infiltrated the Temple in the days of Christ Jesus are the same ones that created the Church of the Roman Empire. Regardless of appearance there is no Light and this darkness falls all of the way down to the bottom of this black pyramid. Catholics should investigate this matter. Cath, like a cathode, literally means "negative or "going way down." That Cross is upside down.

"The spell of the rainbow flag of the Sexually Immoral is the flag of The Devil he himself. There is hardly another issue more evil than an adult stripping the children, including babies, of their Innocence and corrupting their minds for Life. The humans that do this to the kids are cowards for taking advantage of them becasue they do not Know Better. I say to those of you who do this: turn to Christ Jesus to stop this sexual immorality because Justice is on the march.

"If one says to another 'we are all born sinners', that one has told that other one that GOD, The FATHER of Christ Jesus creates mistakes; that is an insult to The FATHER.

"My Brother Christ Jesus spoke the Truth, money is the root of all evil for those who Worship the Evil One have taken over the world's financial structures. Chaos will continue to ensue unless this is corrected.

"About that Serpentine Serpent: it really does exist and is controlled by Lilith and her Lilum. This Serpent is extremely seductive. If one does not immediately reject the seduction one could be in for a very wicked time. What starts out as pleasure eventually turns into excruciating pain and then it won't stop.

"Science in not a god.

"A cashless society is an enslaved society. A vehicle that can be remotely shut down is an enslaved owner. Smart appliances strip you of your privacy can also be remotely turned off enslaving the owner. This is the order of the Black Sun Cult, a Nazi police state that seeks to be your god.

"This is sweeping the world: some call this the Spell of Leviathan, some call it the Spell of Kingu where chaos always comes in three's. This dark work is very real. Remain in the Spirit of Christ Jesus and your Life will go well for you. That is a Truth; that is Peace; that is the Way Home.

"When enough people start lying and it becomes unstoppable, these people eventually become schizophrenic. It can be most easily seen and heard from news and other media reporters and politicians. In their attempt to change a Truth regarding Reality they will unknowingly create an inverted reality. And as time goes by, and if you are paying attention, many will say, "This does not make any sense, this just can't be, we don't understand what is going on." This is usually the result from a conversation with another human who was smart enough not to fall into the trap of The Baphomet Order where everything is turned upside down and around; where facts, law and evidence are shunned. In regard to politics, this often results in a Kakistocracy.

"If one is not familiar with these two things I highly encourage you to study False Flag Attacks and Gas Lighting. It may save your Life.

"The Evil One will yell and scream at you but now he only has rubber teeth; remain Loyal to Christ Jesus for the Evil One melts upon hearing His Holy Name.

"What will you do when you discover the deception of what you hear and see in the movies and on television was very much false? In order to understand what was just written, learn and teach yourself in regard to the order of Baphomet. It will not take you long to understand what was written. Do not become angry; speak up and out to reject this mind control. The mind of every man, woman and especially the children are the Golden Capstones of who you are; learn to defend it; protect the Innocent children. You must know your enemy for if you do not you will fall. The New World Order is the Baphomet Order that has resuscitated the oldest of the old heathen pagan worship of the dark works.

"The Baphomet Order will tell you evidence has nothing to do with reality. Tell the Truth and reject that nonesense, let that do and walk away.

Do not accept the perversion of transgenderism; the gullible have been severely brainwashed; hang around the mentally ill/demon possessed, become mentally ill/demon possessed. Transgenderism is a full frontal evil assault on our CREATOR, GOD The FATHER. If not stopped will destroy many lives, families and community's. Stand up to this bullying.

"Do not accept the false theory/premise of evolution.

"The galaxy beyond the Milky Way is called the Spoon galaxy because it is shaped like a spoon.

"America your statue of Liberty does not represent Liberty. It is a statue of an ancient pagan sun god known of by many names one being Attis. The statue actually represents bondage, sexual perversion, cross-dressing and transgenderism with the goal to depopulate the human race. The seven rays of the sun on the crown represents control and oversight of the seven continents. Should you research this, the followers also carry torches. Some refer to "him" as a god of fertility but research reveals "he" self-castrated himself and then donned female clothing. That means the statue of Liberty is not a woman. The priests that worship Attis are also cross-dressing eunuchs bearing torches. This statue, an attack on family which is the diametrical opposite of The FATHER's Order for all things. When you look at the statue you are looking at the face of a man, not a woman. Let this be another example of the Evil One's deception. If the human race does not want to be exterminated by its own self-inflicted wrath the statue should come down.

"Do you not Know that the Evil One is cutting off your resources, isolating you and slowly killing you? If you did not you do now. Exposure of those who serve the Evil One is first and then disinfect them with the Good Light of Truth. This is very much like a magician showing you how the trick was performed and once that happens you cannot unsee it because it is all out in the open for everyone to see and that is what it takes.

"An Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) investment is a GODless form of human control based on Maoism. This is not what My FATHER has in HIS Holy Mind for you.

"Any human who signed a blood contract to the Devil for fame and fortune in any industry: I am your only way out if you meet one requirement.

"A man is an adult male human. A woman is an adult female human. Anything else is false; My FATHER made no mistakes in ones DNA.

"America, your politics and courts have severely disrupted The FATHER's order of The FATHER over HIS Sons, man over woman and woman over child. This is bringing chaos to your Nation.

"The FATHER fully expected Christ Jesus to live a long a fruitful Life. CJ was sacrificed not for The FATHER, not for you. The ALL in Heaven considers Sacrifice to be a puerile and primitive act. It was a ritual blood sacrifice to the Evil One. The Temple had been covertly infiltrated by the workers of the Dark Arts. Money was paid to the crowd to insure his execution after the push for charges of sedition. To this very day both the Church and Synagogue have been infiltrated by the financially elite; the larger the Church and Synagogue the easier it is to infiltrate. That sacrifice left CJ as the most Respected Son of GOD in all of the universes; there is no close second.

"Things for humans on Earth have changed for My FATHER  and Brother Christ Jesus have left and Know you have not been forsaken. My Brothers words of using Him as a mediator to My FATHER was never necessary. I will explain this. My FATHER's personal Spirit, not the Holy Spirit which is indeed very different, indwells in all of us. My FATHER our GOD is not one of a divided personality and never required a mediator to obtain and secure HIS Holy Favor and/or Forgiveness; HE is a GOD of Mercy and Justice. The FATHER's Divine Righteousness is not dominated by any strict retributive Justice; GOD as a FATHER transcends GOD as a Judge. The FATHER  is an Affectionate GOD and it must not be forgotten that HIS Holiness is your Savior, for HIS Holiness is Truly Omnipotent. When the Scripture was incorrectly interpreted Remember this. ʘ

"There seems to be some confusion. My Earthly parents named me Edward. My FATHER's Angels named me Lariah. My FATHER named me Immanuel.

"When the children use to recite the Pledge of Allegiance. . .   . . .  one Nation under GOD . . .   sanity prevailed. Today Evil has removed My FATHER from almost everything and this Truly shows; seeing it is believing it. Do NOT engage in any type of Civil War; this will make all things practically unbearable. Your enemy has thought all of this out very well and has outsmarted a great many, so far. Evil needs the citizen to fight with each other to cement the overthrow. If you engage in rioting and civil war they will do their very best to annihilate you. Remain calm, be Patient and do your utmost best to unconditionally Love one another and this how you throw-off the Evil that hath come. Remain in Peace . . .

"When diversity takes precedence over merit catastrophe is soon to follow.

"If a Church of Christ Jesus flies the flag or a banner of Sodomy-Sexual Immorality that Church is no longer a Church of Christ Jesus for the Evil One has infiltrated this Church Physically, Spiritually and Psychically. Do not confront those who did this, just remove yourself and your family and do not look back. And ask a few to go with you as you go out the door.

"It appears your electronic voting machines are the dumbest computers in the world. Computers only deliver what they are programmed to put out.

"If you are living in the United States and other nations in Europe many of you may become very angry and hostile towards your politicians. DO NOT attack them, confront them if you do not agree with their policies but do not raise a hand against them. If you are not aware, Love is the most powerful weapon in this world of ours. To Love all people does not mean you have to like what someone does especially when it is not Good. This is a Call To Arms for all to discern what is Good and what is evil. The people that are mean and act in a ferocious manner towards you can be disarmed by The Words spoken by My Brother Christ Jesus. Keep the Peace but keep in mind not to fall into the trap that the Evil One will negotiate. 

"If you hear something that sounds very important to you and your family do your very best to verify this three different ways. We are living in times of extreme deception.

"Racial, social, civil sexual, scientific and political movements are not that of My FATHER for they do nothing to unite humanity under My FATHER. Their goal is to get you to think like them but you are a Free Thinker; preserve that gift because this all comes down to Good or evil. Most things are just this way, is it Good or is it evil?

"My Brother Christ Jesus only spoke a few times during the entire sixty days' visitation. The FATHER  and HIS Angels did all of the talking. Are you a father or a woman who has/ad children? Are your children you? No, they are like you but they are not you. Why do you call My Brother your GOD when it is not written in the Scripture? CJ never told anyone on Earth He was your GOD? On Earth as it is in Heaven. This is very disrespectful to The FATHER. The false justifications for this sprout and stem from reading into the Scripture those things that do not exist. It is on Earth as it is in Heaven.

"Unity is a goal the Church could stand to undertake because the use of the word denomination has caused division. The Devil never sleeps.

"If America cannot separate itself from the United Nations, America will fall and the physical Church will fall with it. This organization was created by dark souls to perform dark works; a literal death machine.  The Idolatrous, Sexually Immoral and the tellers of White Lies should have never been in charge of anything in regard to Humanity; it breeds Chaos, Chaos, Chaos. This is not the way. I rebuke those of you whose quest is to take over the world; Knowledge dictates this is both very evil and puerile operation.

"Children obey your mother, mother obey your husband, man obey GOD. Normalize the introduction of something new into or remove one from the chain and society will eventually collapse.

"O America, (Judah), you were once prosperous, the envy of the world, American leadership possessed Moral Authority and renown for its Integrity, your products will highly valued and wanted by most everyone, Liberty was king and the Bill of Rights were what everyone else wanted in their Lives, and in five decades you became a bully, untrustworthy and hated. When you stamped "In GOD We Trust" My FATHER expected the Church to keep all of this neat and tidy but O Church you remained mostly silent. Today the Nation is Idolatrous, Sexually Immoral, strewn with Liars, literally filthy and unkempt are your cities. The Evil One now has the best of you and when presented with a solution from The FATHER you ignored HIM. Dare not look up and utter, "Help Us!" for you will be a hypocrite.

"One of the worst things a person can say to another person or any other living creature is "I hate you." The unclean spirits feed on this word.

"A currency that you cannot hold in your hand is a trap.

"Ever Wonder why your sky is blue? Take a closer look at glacier ice.

How often do you look up into the sky? Most rarely do, if ever, pay any attention to what is going on up there. Your enemy is aerosol spraying nano particulates of heavy metals over your lands and waters. If you spend time looking you will eventually see this act in operation because they are not hiding it. Hopefully you will have an epiphany a lot sooner than later. They have been spraying for decades.

"About GMO foods: Genetically Modified Organisms. Keeping it simple: the Knowledge base of the people doing the modifying is a mere 3% or 97%  of what they Truly need to Know does not exist. If they will not eat it, and they probably won't beyond a "one time" consumption in public to trick you, you shouldn't either. They won't eat their own creations because they Know consuming them causes numerous diseases and disorders. It may be the number one health problem in your world because in most cases glyphosate is usually involved too as well. Switch to organic and see what happens over time.

"For those of you whom are living in America, (Judah), today and are are struggling with what is going on in your nation, you are being invaded. This invasion technically began on November 3, 2019.

"The DNA that founded America and the DNA steering America (Judah) are diametrical opposites.

A Poltergeist is the only evil spirit that can physically attack and hurt you. If you see a "shadow person" you have been targeted for attack. Why doesn't matter.

"If you want to get ahead in Life,  get ahead for Good; there are only two states: Good and Evil. If you think you are not getting ahead in Life, ask your self, "Am I Good or I am sinning?" Nothing will change if one is not Honest with one's self.

"Liars, Cheats and Thieves have all but fully seized this Earthly World. Who tells the Truth Anymore? This is where Chaos, Chaos, Chaos resides. America (Judah) what will you do when they come for you for The Evil One has no use for you after arrival. Read the entire Book of Jeremiah.

"What will you do when you find out The Church and Synagogue refused to alert you to the Truth that The FATHER and Christ Jesus left? (The FATHER  meant for this to be proven.) If you have the Wisdom and Moral Courage to to prove this True, what will you do when you find out that also meant The FATHER stopped taking Prayers? These are two results of many that occurred due to incorrect translations.

"Want to Truly insult GOD; tell My FATHER HIS Holiness made a mistake creating your DNA. Out of Respect NEVER! do that.

"I am not My Brother Christ Jesus.

"Your family name means a lot more than most think. Honor it; protect it.

"It is Better to treat a new acquaintance as an association. Friendships confirm over long periods of time.

"Men, protect the women; they are more Loving, Joyful and Happier than men and this Truth makes them more susceptible to an evil influence.

"Make yourself aware of the dark and depressing messages that are coming in the music around you and do not fawn over ugly art. These things strip you of your Love and Peace for yourself and others.

"If scientists do not immediately stop injecting food and medicines with self-assembling nano technologies and the like, everyone will eventually fall ill and pass away. This has already started. It is not fair this is not being openly disclosed to the public for if you knew you would say no thank you.

"If a person hangs around evil people one will become evil; if one hangs around Good people all things will change for the Better.

"Living in this Earthly World can be difficult at times. Want to make it really difficult? Allow others who have fallen to the Evil One to brainwash you into believing  that if you are a man you can be a woman and if you are a woman you can be a man so hell can engulf the both of you. Listen to The TRUTH that is deep within you and break away from these evil people. 

"My FATHER has never called on any woman or sodomite to be a Pastor, a leader over man nor a Judge over man; these are the Churches whose Crosses are upside down. A woman can be a teacher to both other women and children but never to a male over the age of thirteen. When The Church ignored this the sodomite said it is my turn to teach you some things about their word to the people.

Those who create and push vaccines, drugs and socialism (communism) will never take the vaccines and drugs and will never live a Life of socialism.

A Church or Synagogue that does not teach the people about the tactics of evil doesn't fully understand their role in this Earthly World. This in itself is a self-inflicted Wrath.

"The more incompetent a government becomes the higher taxes become, excessive laws are struck, strange chemicals go into the water, air, food, clothes, and personal hygiene products and then more regulations are created so as to prevent recovery. I Rebuke that government.

"If another country has openly declared that one day they are going to destroy your country why would you allow that country to make your medicines and process your foods? This is an ultimate lack of Respect for your enemy.

"Those who teach the young that a man can have a baby, snow is black, there are more than two genders, 2 + 2 = 5, even though you were born a girl you are really a boy and vice versa, obesity is grande and a man can put his genitalia in places where it was never intended to be put need to be removed and mentally evaluated and possibly exorcised.

"A nation that is left to watch movies and play games that are about extreme violence and death will become a society of extreme violence and killers.

"Always be concerned in regard to your appearance for Wisdom dictates many do Judge others on their appearance. If you can afford clothes that do not have holes in them, do not go into a Church wearing clothes with holes. If you cannot afford clothes and have only holes in the clothes you do have go to Church and one day that will come to pass. Pass on your Testimony that allowed you to rise up to buy new clothes.  Set an example for others looking for Physical, Mental, Soulful, Spiritual, and Emotional success.

"Those with the most Truth about GOD and HIS Good Knowledge is a huge advantage in this Race of Intelligence.

"When a human is immersed in both Chemicals and Radiation that cause unintentional/intentional reactions this is called a Transfection. That is what is killing and maiming the human not the climate. The Holy Healing Powers of Christ Jesus are flowing in great abundance.

"What plagues this Earthly World more than anything else are the Physical and Spiritual Infections of failing to both Respect and Worship Our CREATOR GOD, The FATHER of Christ Jesus, not the climate. The is nothing heavier than that Truth.

What is this? A government on Earth is threatening its citizens with prison and fines for speaking out about being forced into taking a medicine? Oppression is not to be tolerated anymore. This evil will be Peacefully removed.

"I admonish you who partake in creating hydroponic plant based vaccines that are being integrated into food production without consumer Knowledge. It is highly doubtful that those of you whom are involved understand more than 3% of My FATHER's DNA Gene Sequence (Code) in HIS creations which will lead you into killing humans. If My FATHER thought that that should be in the food HIS Holiness would have already been included it. Stop forcing drugs on the people!

"Any government that looks its citizens in the eyes and tells their ears the energy is being cut-off has set-out to commit democide.

"Governments that instruct schools to spend any time teaching children about issues below the belt have set-out to destroy the family. On the surface this is specious; at the core fallacious."

"Hearing this more often: we don't Know where this is all coming from. Evil is everywhere; two out of every three people have become evil. When you start looking for it you will see it. Follow the money."

"In regard to any Nation that allows its citizens to vote: My FATHER never installed any politician into office. To do so would be the action of an Authoritarian Dictator bent on violating your civil rights; in this case your Free Will.

"Be not a torturer of any Life; nothing gets by Heaven.

 "Any nation that violated the Nuremberg Code pushing the global scam of an illness that never existed will be brought to Justice.

"Church and My followers listen to the Truth and tell it, if you have a tattoo you are Forgiven but from this moment on do not get any more tattoos and tell your Brothers and Sisters about this message. In other words stop avoiding topics like this that need to be discussed. Be Honest about this; with those heavy metals come the spirits of bodily infections. This is True for smokers. Out of your Love for others think less about offending other when telling the Truth.

"A nation that invades is a terrorist nation. Do not be an invader. I Rebuke you.

"A leader who hates his/her people will find a way to inject politics into everything. I Rebuke you.

"A nation that is financially run into the ground by its own government is an enemy of its own people. I Rebuke you.

"A government that fails to properly administer and enforce its laws fairly is a nation that will eventually be invaded by a more powerful enemy. I Rebuke you.

"A Truly Free society is a Happy, Peaceful and Prosperous society. Those of you who are leaders of nations who oppress the people I rebuke you for your evil ways. This Earthly World is not yours to do as you please to others.

"Shame might just be the rarest commodity on Earth. 

"No one can destroy a world faster than bankers, scientists and politicians. If you are one of those three and are one who believes in My FATHER, is sexually moral and is Honest and speaks Truth that does not apply to you.

"An open border victimizes both sides of what was once the border. A politician that disagrees is a liar.

"Do not allow a bank to control your personal Life, therefore never allow a bank to control your currency. Issue your own coin, one that you can touch.

"All of the universes created were created based on one foundational principle: family. For this Earthly World, two genders, one male and one female. It is not possible for any human to change that Truth. If you are told otherwise, you are being lied to.

"Transgenderism was created by the Chinese Communist government to be used as a military psychological weapon for warfare on "The West". Those who push and teach this are either fools or your enemies. I rebuke both and say to what is left of the sane, stand up and deal with this quickly. Hospitalize the victims and and bring your enemy for trial in court.

"If a government will not enforce its own laws, the people need to remove that government; they will kill if you do not. Never give evil even one inch and if evil takes it, take it back.

"If another man or woman tells you that humans are no longer necessary, that man or woman is not humane; that man or woman is an enemy of My FATHER and Mother's Creations. Only a liar would refuse to volunteer to remove ones' self first so as to prove his or her claim.  Do not holds your breath waiting for this to occur for they never walk the talk.

"My FATHER is in charge of the climate. Humans will never be given that Authority unless one can carry his or herself like My Brother Christ Jesus. Those who modify the weather using technology will more than likely kill the Life on this Earthly World for false-Power and ill-gotten gains if not stopped. Those who do do this are Truly over their heads.

"Why, as a carbon-based Life-form, would you pay any attention to anyone telling you that carbon needs be removed from this Earthly World? Do you not Know that they are telling you they are going to kill you if they have their way? The ultra-majority of all Life in this Earthly World is carbon-based. Out of Respect to The FATHER you will be telling the Truth to another if you were to tell that human this is Carbon Fraud.

"Let no human force you to put a medicine into your body; this is sorcery. It would be far better thing to imprison those who forced the medicine into the Innocent. Some times the illness never existed.

"Have a great caring about what you eat. Genetically modified foods, synthesized foods and foods containing bug proteins are not advised. Those who make these foods will never eat those foods. Well, they might one time in front of a camera.

"Be careful of the word 'smart'. The smarter it becomes the more vulnerable you become; sometimes convenience comes with a price.

"The right Knowledge can prevent the Devil from taking over the world. For the Devil to succeed digital money and high-tech surveillance and tracking must be installed everywhere.  Refuse it and you will advance towards Victory int the Race of Intelligence.

"Anytime a human talks about skin color beyond the need to help identify another human, chances are you are listening to a racist that has come before you to divide the people so as to start a fight. Turn away from this talk and move on, they have nothing to offer you but hate.

"In this New Age of Thinking/Enlightenment many who were once able to touch children for nefarious purposes will eventually be hauled-in to face man's laws. This will also be True for those who traffic humans for any reasons.

"Only have I been asked and then given the Power and Authority to rule over this entire Earthly World you live in by Our CREATOR GOD, The FATHER; anyone else will not be able to do for you. You have been told the Truth. It is your decision to reject me or accept me. It is a matter of Respect in many ways. Unlike many others I will never force myself on you and I will tell you the Truth. I will be what I will be.

"Discover what a grifter is and then learn to spot a grifter.

"The Spirit of the anti-Christ comes to warn you that your careless Brothers and Sisters have put your future in peril. The anti-Christ has the solution: Pay a Climate (Weather) Tax and a Carbon (Life) Tax. While you Live as a creation of carbon, you will always have the weather. Should you pay another human just to live under the sun; pay another human to block-out the sun? Grifters for the Devil do these things.

"The days of child/human/animal sacrifice and debt slavery need to come to an end. Those who did this to the humans of this Earthly World will be mandated to appear before a tribunal of their peers. Moses told the Truth when He spoke, 'They are crooked and perverse.'

"In a time to come soon, all will be given the opportunity to decide who will lead them. The days of the 'self-elected' are almost over. Justice will be served and nothing can or will stop My Angels from fulfilling this task for all deserve Better.

"Communism is the official government of the Underworld. Why would you want to be under the rule of evil?

"If someone should say there is a mental health crisis in our school then know the mentally ill took it over. This holds True in governments too.

"Point to me one nation that is not Idolatrous, Sexually Immoral and full of Liars and I will not rebuke it.

"Politicians who promote war should be cast out and away by their people; they are not good and the same holds True for the bankers that back this democide. People one thing is consistent and far more Truer than not: the chances of witnessing these war hawks leading the charge into battle will be like waiting for the sun to burn out. Your sons and daughters are expendable.

## "Your United Nations spends more time and money covering up one Truth. Every country will go to all lengths to kill you to keep you from Knowing this Truth about this Earthly World you live on. My FATHER refers to this as YOUR "Race of Intelligence." This race began in the year 1958. Once/if this race is won there will be no more questions regarding the existence of GOD, our CREATOR, My FATHER. It will be that cut and dry.

"The beast is those whose primary goal is to keep you in a state of poverty; this is a natural tyrannical state; unless you like being beat-down this evil is very easy to spot and have Peacefully removed. I admonish these souls of cruelty.

"Eugenicists have been writing books and talking about their desires to depopulate the world because they say (lie) about this Earthly World being over populated. Ask them to set the example to determine if they are lying to you. One way or another this will help restore Peace on Earth.

"A highly complex crime is being committed against all of humanity and on the streets this crime is recognized by the evil-doers as Gang Stalking. It is True a gang of people will participate to stalk someone but it is more than just that. This is a highly complex crime because it involves biological, chemical, electronic and psychological attacks on the victims. Ironically an idiot can do this to another and never be charged with a crime. The victim can expect this crime to go on for a minimum of twenty plus tears making it one of the top five worse crimes to commit against another human; it is that diabolical and extremely inhumane.

"Weather weapons, unnatural disaster weapons, law fare, green energy, medically enhanced foods, undisclosed modifications of foods, drugging the very young in schools, mandating unneeded vaccinations in order to attend school, undisclosed ingredients in medicine, Trans-humanism, Diversity Equity Inclusion, Transgenderism and LGBT movements are actually weapons used by communists. (all are genocide movements), works of the wordsmith, destroying history, and mass relocation of large numbers of humans are other weapons of choice. Causing chaos is critical to their cause. These are some of the tactics used worldwide by communist gang stalkers.

"Earth Warming! Earth Warming! The seas are going to rise unless you give us money to stop it! The very same ones that pitched that fear unto the people are the very same ones that took that money and bought palatial mansions on the sea shore. Not only were we lied they were never prosecuted for fraud. And that failure allows them to keep pitching the lies.

"Prosperity and Happiness occur in this Earthly World occur when this Earth becomes warmer; an abundance of Life restores itself.

"Climate-Weather grifters are telling as many people as possible that after tens of thousands of years, all of a sudden sunlight is bad for you, Carbon Dioxide Co2, Methane CH4, and other gases are bad for you. They are liars and they lie because they think you are stupid. If this keeps up expect to be told oxygen and water are bad for you too as well; they will try this if you let them. Evil has neither Truth or limits.

"A Truth is CV19 never existed. Deteriorating and compromised governments were/are the real issue.

"If you say you are  a follower of my Brother Christ Jesus, then wear no make-up or jewelry including the Cross.

"Why would any nation on this Earth give their sovereignty over to a cult like the United Nation that claims to be over all law and totally immune to any and all things? This is the beast.

"About the Death/Inheritance Tax: the political tactic to tax and regulate everything is terrorism.

"The vast number of politicians in the world entered into service to exploit. I rebuke those who do that.

"One size does not fit all unless you are speaking about My FATHER, you CREATOR.

"Many governments in this Earthly World have morphed into Kakistocracy's. An attempt to rebuke such a thing would be as effortless as a wise man falling into a screaming match with a fool.

"Christ Jesus was not prophesied in the Tenak. The Church never had one valid reason or any right to rewrite the Tenak and entering these changes into the New Testament  to justify the coming of Christ Jesus was extremely disrespectful to The FATHER.

"My GOD, The FATHER of all of the Universes is a Righteous GOD which means HIS Holiness is not prejudice about anyone except those who practice evil things. The FATHER has never "parceled out lands" to "favored" peoples; that is an act of prejudice. The FATHER has never chosen anyone to be HIS "favored". E.g. the Israelite's chose The FATHER to be their GOD.  El is the self-appointed god of Earth.; He is not The FATHER of All Things. The Elohim parcel out lands to chosen peoples; they are off-world visitors from another world. Be careful to whom is being called "Lord" in the Tenak; chances are this is not about The FATHER. The 144,000 were chosen based on DNA that would be difficult to replace. Some might say, well they are favored! That will never happen because you will never get the chance to say for you will have already been killed hence their departure.

"Your Earth does not rotate at 1000 miles per hour; if it did there would be nothing Living on the surface. The fear generated pole shift is a fraud. Your Earth does not move.

"Ever notice how some politicians cry out for war yet they are never leading the charge or on the front line? They are evil.

"I rebuke both the politician and the nation that prevents their people from growing food.

"Everyone that violated the Nuremberg Code in the recent world-wide vaccination campaign will be brought to Justice. Nothing can or will stop My Angels from following through.

"Many illnesses are the result of failing to take personal responsibility for one's own body. Illnesses such as obesity and diabetes are the result of eating processed foods and liquids. All forms of sugar are the biggest no-no's. Read the list of ingredients and ask yourself, "Is it really necessary to have two dozen chemicals and food dyes to make a potato chip or any other food? Certain undeclared chemicals can be put into your food as long as they are in trace amounts. Understand?

"A mother who is capable of breast feeding a child and then turns to fake synthetics milk is not a worthy mother. I feel most sorry for the baby.

"A fool is one who Trusts politicians and governments. I rebuke almost all of them.

"In regard to this Earth there are only two genders. If someone tells you otherwise ask that person if they are from another place. Then be quiet and listen.

"According to The FATHER's Book of Destiny, Life begins before conception. Word  of this occurs in Jeremiah 1:5. What is going on here is The FATHER is telling Jeremiah about reincarnation and compressed soul runs. If you are an elect you will likely be part of the compressed soul run. Reincarnation will occur if it is something like that soul did mot believe in My FATHER. Or if your soul is a hateful soul other arrangements are made. Everyone has their own Book of Life created for review.

"Any government who allows/performs Democide on its own people for any reason(s), abortion, easy-death: euthanasia, war, etc. is a Death Cult that murdered Logic and Empathy in order to perform these dark ritual sacrificial killings to a god that will kill everyone. A lot of lying had to have occurred. How smart is that?

"Unmarried women, it is a far Better thing to practice abstinence by keeping your legs crossed; save yourself for a man. Thinking below the belt delivers Spiritual Death for abortion is an act of committing a blood ritual Sacrifice on an Innocent human.

"I Rebuke every leader who gaslights another human being. This is a totally shameless lethal act against Life itself.

"Always try to get behind a leader who talks Peace and makes Peace happen.

"Trans-humanism is the opportunity for a human to leave GOD's creation and enter into one's self-created Hell.

"A run-down city that is filthy and laden with homeless represent both the desk and the mind of the one's in charge.

"If a group of humans come together that are GODless, sexually immoral and lie to themselves and the people, consider them a cult of domestic terrorism.

"The Devil (Caligastia), Lucifer, and Satan (Allah) are not the same spirits; stop treating them as they are the same. Caligastia is the King Heathen.
