Edward’s Character Reference

"In pursuing the 6-6-6*, I suffered from a never relentless attack from many an evil person. I did wait for GOD and I worked around the clock seven days a week for three and one-half years to bring the 6-6-6 to Justice. Near this end I was persecuted eight or more times for my works by three or more Authorities of our Earthly world.

"During the entire time I demonstrated to GOD, I only lied** one time and even that one time was admitted to voluntarily so to prove to all I was treated most unfairly, I never pursued my Authority who had in fact tried to make me do things I should not. I never personally pursued those whom I knew directly responsible and that I did as GOD requested even after fifty-two validated attempts to take my Life were in fact confirmed; I let GOD act on my behalf for all wrongs done to me."


~ GOD, The FATHER of Christ Jesus.


The FATHER asked us to restore many things in our Earthly World. Without knowing that I am the Steadfast Spirit of Truth the things that must be said would be difficult to believe. The FATHER did not do this for me, HIS Holiness did this for you.

* They called themselves that.

** I was threatened with serving forty years after being told I would only serve ten days. Almost daily I was asked to change my testimony. As the days went by I realized they were very serious. I determined that serving forty years was not going to bring these evil-doers to Justice and everything invested would have been for naught.  So I told them what they wanted to hear and never served the entire ten days. The very moment I was released I told every one that would listen I lied to get out. And then I went right back to getting after them; that entire operation was that evil.

Remain in Peace . . .