December 7

December 7

This date was The FATHER's Holy Symbolic Way of telling the world that this was an inside job.

A question to ask one's self should be, how many more inside jobs have there been?

he Meeting of Angels 2.0 began on December 7, 2008. Our CREATOR picked that day for extremely serious reasons. Many people are totally unaware of the true story behind December 7, 1941, Pearl Harbor Day. The exact same scenario applies applies to the Oklahoma City Bombing, Waco, Ruby ridge, all wars since the Revolutionary War and both attacks on the World Trade Center. All of these incidents were very sophisticated ritual blood sacrifices revolving around Democide.

 In short, The FATHER intervenes to make the attempt to save America.

It was clearly stated to us that China would eventually invade if the Good would not stand up to the Evil.  Please take note at 00:20 seconds and what is revealed regarding China.


The dots here are not hard to connect. With fork'd tongue this man acts as if he defending America from China because he is working in the China Mission Center. However, this is one of the most anti-patriotic testimonies we have ever heard which makes that statement one of deception. In other words he would never be able to convince us our conclusion is wrong that he is not working to protect America. That is how liars, cheats and thieves roll.

Trusting the US Federal Government for anything became a fatal error. Only in GOD should we Trust.

The Liars, Cheats and Thieves that opted for Idolatry, Sexual Immorality and Lying have brought to America the New Pearl Harbor 3.0 - literally selling America off to the highest bidder, the shot(s)/many other vaccinations, tainted DNA bending food, water, air and a very long list of other evil criminal acts that all led directly to the ultimate act of Treason:  spending hundreds of billions of dollars, if not trillions in a REPLACEMENT MIGRATION/INVASION FUNDED BY MANY WHO CLAIM TO BE BOTH JEWS AND CATHOLICS BUT WHO ARE IN FACT JEWS IN NAME ONLY; CATHOLICS IN NAME ONLY AND THE REST ARE SADLY CULT-LIKE NAZI's WHO ARE FOCUSED SOLEY ON THE BLOOD-RITUAL SACRIFICE OF OUR FELLOW BROTHERS AND SISTERS FOR THEIR DEAD GOD NOT PEACE; a real True-Life deception by Pure Evil that will also collapse your economy! There is nothing benevolent about this sacrifice of humans. It is a Pure Evil that will never say "GOD, The FATHER' or "Love" or "Peace" for they are eugenicists. In other words you were sold out.  This is an inside job.


"No one understands the enemy Better than you Edward."

"Edward, tell them that if they do not get behind Mission Nine, tell them they will perish like those in the days of Jeremiah."