Church-The Request Prove It

The Request


Topic: This is a request to call a Pastor and confirm something.

I, Edward and my Witness Janelle Sweeney of Swoope, VA were visited by The FATHER, Christ Jesus, Moses, The FATHER’s Angels and many more for a very long time. On the last day of the visitation which was a Sunday, February 8, 2009, The FATHER told the Victory Worship Center (VWC) in Staunton, VA and three other Churches within the USA that HE was leaving to go on vacation. Janelle and I were there when Head Pastor Ray Eppard told both services that morning that he and his Associate Pastor Joe Sherrill received that message at 7:30 am. Janelle and I knew all about this and a lot more than just this the very night before.

That “last day” was the sixtieth day. Before The FATHER and Christ Jesus left that very night, (leaving behind The Holy Healing Powers of Christ Jesus, thirty-one (31) of HIS most personal of Angels and Moses), The FATHER made a comment about all of the GOD-given Knowledge that was imparted unto Janelle and myself during the visitation and this is what HIS Holiness spoke,

  “Share not that which GOD has given me except to those in arms with ME.”


In a recent meeting with Pastors Ray and Joe on August 23, 2023 at the VWC, one issue discussed was about me making contact with people that will be asked to make contact with them about this vacation message and would begin soon. I also had a man, Walter A. Wilson III, an attorney and historian sit in on this meeting as a Witness, (703) 273-1600.

The issue that is most serious is, regardless of how much time has passed by, this is becoming more and more serious by the day and is not going away. And certainly one would want or need to know why you haven’t heard about this yet. You will have your answer if you do not make the phone call for you will have ended up just like the rest.


The request: to call, visit or email Ray Eppard at the VWC: (540) 886-6249 and ask at least this one question:

Has The FATHER told anyone at the VWC that THEY have returned?


You will be verifying The FATHER said it and that Mathew 28:20 fulfilled. The “sole purpose” behind this “Vacation Message”: The FATHER was wholly aware of the staunch attitude that the Church correctly interpreted all Books, Chapters and Verses in the Bible.  However, verifying The FATHER and Christ Jesus left means someone else has to be in charge! This means incorrect translations occurred! If this Truth is not verified you will perish. The FATHER also mad it clear this world can be lost the Enemies of Life.


Note: In that 08/23/23 meeting, Ray and Joe were asked to keep their answer to ONE WORD AND THEN ASKED TO REDIRECT ALL INQUIRIES BACK TO ME. They were also asked to be prompt in returning phone calls and to expect visitations.  Please, do not question them about anything beyond the answer; nothing against the Pastors, they never thought of this as important and therefore are without specific Knowledge; they have nothing to offer beyond the answer and was their decision. 

If you fulfill the request, realize something very important obviously occurred and want to Honor The FATHER’s need for you to be in both HIS Call To Arms and Holy Will for you, call or email me and I will meet with you for a short period of time if possible, explain the details of the Prophecy fulfilling and give you my calling card with all of the other information you will need to know about. Please, try to never say to yourself that you do not need to know about this for this is truly Biblical in more ways than can be imagined.