A Minor Introduction Of What Went Wrong And Why

A Minor Introduction Of What Went Wrong And Why

We are doing what GOD The FATHER. The Source of the Cosmos asked Us to do for the Church, Synagogue, Temple and the other National Religions world-wide have taken a pusillanimous stand and/or are not capable of making sure their Congregations are apprised of need-to-Know information. 

These Are The Consequences That Developed From Incorrect Translations Of The Scriptures; The Failure To Verify What Was Published In The Bible And Was Not The Only Reason For The Sixty Days’ And Nights Visit With The FATHER Yet It Was The Main Reason.

(Need-To-Know Information For Every Person Regardless Of Beliefs)

Have you ever noticed that the fragrances of the flowers do not exist anymore? You have been robbed of this wonderful gift from The FATHER. Yet, that is not all that has been stolen from you. The biggest lie ever told to humanity in the last five centuries is, “Water can bend which means your Earth is not flat.” Who can stop another from believing that lie after almost every child has and will be indoctrinated with a globe in every classroom? Someone went to a lot of work to make that happen? So, who did do that?

Those who did that brought the world hate for Our CREATOR brought every sick sexually immoral act imaginable into the lives of our children and into our schools and into public in the form of a parade of lies and finally, the lies are so often a Truth is rarely spoken. These are Cults of The Devil.

People, The Point Of These Actions Is To Strip You Of Your Golden Capstone: Your Mind.  They Are Betting That You Will Surrender To “Their” Absurd/Insane Actions And Then Run To Those Very Ones Who Created These Absurd/Insane Actions For Help With A Solution.

One such example of this is, “You will own nothing and be Happy.” This Nazi-like evil has decided that they need to remove the problem (you) from this Earth.


As The Evil One’s Ten Commandments were once etched into the stone tablets referred to as the Georgia Guide Stones, not even the first statement was Truthful.

     1. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.

500 million? That was a lie. Zero is the correct answer. As a matter of Truth, the remaining nine Commandments of the Evil One are also lies. All ten represent the diametrical opposite of “their” intentions for you. A most important issue is the meta-physical concept of:  inform you long before any real actions are taken against you so it will not be a shock to the masses when they do do it to you. This is the Worm of Death and Destruction; it moves so slowly very few will give it any attention.

     2. Guide reproduction wisely – improving fitness and diversity.

     3. Unite humanity with a living new language.

     4. Rule passion – faith – tradition – and all things with tempered reason.

     5. Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.

     6. Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.

     7. Avoid petty laws and useless officials.

     8. Balance personal rights with social duties.

     9. Prize truth – beauty – love – seeking harmony with the infinite.

   10. Be not a cancer on the Earth – Leave room for nature

You Would Be A Wise Person Not To Do Such Things.

As stated in the sub-title, and if you have read the main Testimonial you Know the actual reason for The FATHER's visit was explained that those "within and running" The Church literally failed to validate what was being said to the people was the Truth. These following issues are the result of the Church not standing up against The Evil One. One can call that incompetence, an infiltration by the state or by evil itself, or the result or Moral Cowardliness or Intellectual Dishonesty of The Church itself.

If you were the Devil and wanted to kill everyone by the simplest means possible, how would you do this? Turn the Church into a place of mass gatherings on one day of the week making the slaughter effortless; The Devil’s fantasy come True? This was never the intended organization of the original Church.

As some of you may already be aware of, Christ Jesus was not permitted to cross the barriers of the political, social and economic ways of any culture; this does NOT hold True for Immanuel. The FATHER of Christ Jesus did ask me, Edward, to cross over those barriers and do so for the sake of Our Earthly World; that Our world must be protected from the Evil One. I was asked three times over the course of three night’s time to take the same Vow of Loyalty to serve both The FATHER and you.

What is happening in the United States federal government is this: many people in positions of Power and Authority have never sworn to or signed the Oath of Loyalty to the citizens of the United States of America. This is a very disrespectful act, if not treason and it is evident in the forms of "from-the-inside, by-design attacks" on various aspects of American life.  (See Update:  06.16.24 - No Oaths of Office in the Federal Government.

Some of these attacks include: GOD, Love, Peace, the projection of Evil into the Minds and Hearts of the Innocent, the Church, morals, ethics, healthcare, law, food, farms, air, water, currency, infrastructure, energy, the U.S. Constitution, loss of rights and privacy, and much more.

Marriage between one man and one woman now barely acceptable, the heterosexual family lifestyle, endless wars, human trafficking, pedophilia, ritual blood sacrifice (especially children), secret sterilization programs in foods, water, air, and other slithering genocide operations are skyrocketing across the land. According to The FATHER, these issues are the direct result of idolatry, sexual immorality, and lying, which has also led to a significant increase in moral relativism.

Unless immediately stopped these issues clearly indicate the "Collapse of Everything" is imminent. This is very real and not just about America; it is about Your Earthly World being destroyed right before your very eyes, in slow motion, with one insidious act after another. For the most part, Evil has out-thought the Righteous. And the Church responds, “In the end GOD wins.” Deceived yet again; Brothers and Sisters that is not True and is one reason why Our Earthly World is falling to The Evil One. The FATHER never said that this was HIS fight; this is Our fight. The longer The Church keeps pitching that lie the uglier things will become.

America did not look like this forty years ago, and this "New Look" is disgusting and filthy. It appears that Congress is more the result of voter and election fraud and much less about "The Will of The People". Apparently, those who thought "they" could skirt the law by refusing to swear and sign that Oath of Loyalty have not fooled anyone but themselves.

In an attempt to hide their disloyalty from the people, "they", more or less, secretly declared that in order to protect themselves from future prosecutions, "they" had to declare Americans a domestic threat to the government that "they" themselves had overthrown. O'America, you were overthrown by a communist coup on November 3, 2019. This is the "inside job".

Evil has its sights focused on America for if America falls the rest of Your Earthly World falls into "their" hands. You have a choice, follow "them" or follow what is being revealed on this site. If you follow "them" you will be for Communism and Satanic Worship up to and including human sacrifice to satisfy their cravings for human blood. May the exposure of this alone help you to understand why I wrote to you in the way in which it was done. Many of you are not aware that it is time to make a decision; time to choose a side today, right now. We Hope you make a Good decision. And be careful of the Church; a great many have been informed of this visitation and then turned their heads end backs to the FATHER therefore if your Church is not Preaching these messages you might want to rethink a few things out. 

That was written because all four Churches that heard directly from GOD, The FATHER of Christ Jesus on these very matters refused to make National/Worldly announcements; if they can do that, any Church that did not hear from The FATHER can effortlessly can turn deaf, dumb, blind and mentally still. This says a lot about your immediate future.

For the sakes of those who do not Know, Time is about to become like that of a priceless commodity.

Here is the general idea of what Our enemies of Life are thinking about and doing to you every day.

Whether you personally believe there is a Devil or not, those with very dark hearts do and that is what personally matters to you for they are literally Sacrificing as many children as they can get their evil hands on. Meanwhile the Globalists are attacking you on every front in order to eradicate you from Our Earthly World. “They” Truly despise you.  Hypocritically, as they constantly bloviate about the lie that Our Earthly World is over populated, they will never set the example. However, if they are allowed to carry on with this absurdity, they will eventually take themselves out too leaving History to repeat itself one more time. These entities do not possess Empathy and are unquestionably from another blood line that many refer to as the Blue Bloods. Some think they can negotiate with these beings. That is not possible.

The Final Exam: if Our Brothers and Sisters capitulate to the absurdities that are leading to Our extinction of the human race, then it can be factually stated that anyone who caves-in to these absurdities will turn their Soul over to The Evil One, Caligastia The Devil. Again, whether you believe in the Devil or not, they do and if you are captured by one of these Devil Worshipers your Life will come to an end but only after they slowly torture you to death.

In regard to indoctrination their primary focus is on children but they had to take their time in America and do this very slowly like a slithering Serpent. Adolph Hitler mastered this technique practically overnight because he had full Authoritarian Power over the entire nation when he struck and it was very effective; capture the children in the schools and you have captured their world. You may have already seen some these tell-tale signs of BLM, ANTIFA and LGBT flags and banners hung in classrooms all over America; even from the White House; even from The Church itself. Those organizations are undeclared Domestic Terrorist Organizations; undeclared because they are essential for the Communist overthrow that occurred on November 3, 2019 in America. Sadly, The Church said very little if anything.

The Evil One’s ultimate goal is not only to eradicate all of Humanity but to terraform Our Earthly World to provide their kind with an environment that will allow them to flourish. But they are not of GOD’s Creation for they are literally the Children of The Devil. This is explained elsewhere on this site in regard to Eve. But that is not all they need. They need to be All-Knowing state like that of GOD Our CREATOR, state of Omniscience which is not achievable. This is why if any humans are allowed to Live they will be attached to a computer via a neuro-link and that means being kept in a pod. That is not Life, that is an evil biological lab experiment of continuing failure. All of the Emotions these beings possess are the diametrical opposites of Love and Peace. Their hatred for Our CREATOR, GOD, The FATHER is so intense they Truly feel a “Need” to eradicate HIS Holy Creation and/or modify the DNA of all existing Life so as to separate themselves from The FATHER. This mentality is of course is very Evil, but it is also very puerile, primitive and absurd. Respect this enemy for they do have the ability to do a lot of damage if the Human Race does not awaken.

Every man, woman and child are in a “Race of Intelligence”.  As humans our Golden Capstone is our Mind. The enemy uses a technique many refer to as Psychological Conditioning. This technique is inherent-by-intent; to tell the Truth or to not tell the Truth. This conditioning occurs in schools, media, politics and much of this is insidious especially what is said and taught in schools to the children. Teaching children that 2 + 2 can equal 5 is insidious. Teaching children a boy can be a girl and a girl can be a boy is very Evil.

The media not reporting on what is Truly important or only telling part of the Truth occurs every minute. And politicians make promises they never intend to keep.  A weed or two in the garden is one thing but these gardens are now weed beds and these infections have crept into the Church too as well.


If you were The Devil and wanted to depopulate Our Earthly World of humans, how would you do it? Slowly poison the food, water, air and medicines. Then introduce DNA changing technology to the food, water, air and medicines. And that just about covers the Biological attack.

There is another attack on children known to some as Cultural Grooming and the point of this movement is to remove GOD from the minds of the children and keep GOD away at all costs. The simplest way to explain this tactic is teach the children to think below the belt instead of thinking above the shoulders and that requires convincing children that it is a Good thing to embrace absurdity, sexual immorality and lying.

All of a sudden everything has become a right. The latest is it’s a child’s right at any age to decide what gender they are; that it is a right for the absurd to teach the Innocent the absurd; that it is a right to have access to pornographic materials in the school library and the WWW at school WITHOUT PARENTAL KNOWLEDGE! This has gone to such an extreme that children under the age of thirteen to make decisions about physically changing one’s gender and taking chemicals WITHOUT PARENTAL KNOWLEDGE! And if a sane person rejects these absurdities they are threaten in many states with having their children removed. This evolved from people who Worship Evil into positions of Power and Authority and there is nothing Natural about those who cherish anything Anti-Life.  BE GRATEFUL THESE EVIL-DOERS ARE NOT OUR CREATOR!

Teaching Children that gender is a choice is Pure Evil and an insult to Our Creator GOD, The FATHER.

Thus began the regression of the human race. Approaching this from the absurd lack of both common sense and rational logic: DEI, Diversity, Equality and Inclusion is nothing more than an evil scheme to put the Worshipers od The Seven Deadly Sins; Merit, Intelligence and Competency have no place in this movement. And this was the end result of Affirmative Action especially in the higher levels of learning.

Again, the smartest are kicked to the curb as they say and the ones who should have never been allowed in under this set of circumstances end up destroying the credibility of the colleges and universities.

Jane X and John Y never met the entrance requirements for entry but since both were of another “skin color” (the most blatant form of racism ever) the school pushed the most accomplished aside for these two. In no time at all the professors become upset because their reputations as teachers are buckling to falling grade averages.

And in the future you may just hear, “Who is that sitting in the pilot’s seat?” “Oh that’s Sparkles.” “Sparkles is a clown?” “No, he is a Drag Queen from LA. They say he was hired because of DEI.”

America is not headed there, America is already there. Regression is real and evil is being allowed by politicians to turn the children into mentally and emotionally ill children. The adults that have already been processed through this Educational Grooming scandal cannot define what man or woman means and worse yet, those who could  stop all of these mental and emotional abuses allow the perpetrators a get out of jail pass.

Everything you have read is about the Educational Grooming by those working for The Evil One.

The Evil One has His gang of Human Grifters. "'They' invade" K - 6th grades with a full onslaught of fear: "Climate Change (The Sky Is Falling) is killing your Earth and if you eat meat and drive a car you are a "bad person". The children go home and tell their parents they are vegans and if the parents keep eating meat and drive a car there is going to be a serious problem in the future. The children say, "But do not worry, we have been given the solution: eat bugs, windmills, solar panels and EV's." These are just more of the absurdities for none of this are solutions and are many times worse for the environment by a lot. Worst yet, This all comes down to monetary theft.  

This by the way is right out of the manual entitled "Gang Stalking" and that title doesn't explain this crime at all. This is a brutal crime of profiling, electronic, psychological, biological and chemical attacks. 

Everything you have read up to this point is about slipping into a Post-Human Future. What does this mean you might ask? This is to quickly become one of the biggest con jobs in human history: to ascend as a cyborg or a human with an attachment to a computer. This is just another absurdity being force fed into the minds of many.

None of that is necessary; the gifts that The FATHER occasionally metes out to any human are far superior and surpass anything man can create with a computer. But, this is not the narrative being taught world-wide for this brainwashing has been going on for decades. This is the result of what happened when The FATHER, the Bible and Prayer were removed from schools as well as court houses and government environments. There it is: A SOLUTION. But there is more.

The Post-Human intent is one of extermination and “they” have intent to kill every human on Earth; the trick is they are not going to do this quickly. They just recently injected 5.7 billion people with a bio-weapon and 35 million have died and the death rate is increasing. And furthermore there is very little the government does not know about you due to AI and “Smart” devices.

Psychological and physical abuse along with the injections of a wide array of slow-acting toxins in every aspect of a human’s Life has been used to dumb-down the human being.




A Warning to America – 25 Ways the US is being destroyed in under two minutes.


By Western Lensman and Blake Habyan

1. Open borders and illegal immigration.
2. Rampant crime and unsafe cities.
3. Mass addiction and widespread fentanyl use.
4. Election in security and interference.
5. The educational indoctrination of children.
6. The asymmetrical weaponization of justice.
7. The destruction of private property rights.
8. Increasing inflation and debt.
9. The global de-population agenda.
10. Record low fertility and plummeting birth rates.
11. Unaccountable federal bureaucracies.
12. Toxic food supply.
13. Vaccine and pandemic disinformation.
14. The transcontagion and sterilization of children.
15. Overprescription of pharmaceuticals.
16. Destruction of the nuclear family and parental rights.
17. DEI, White Replacement and the new racism.
18. Moral and societal decay.
19. The financing of endless foreign wars.
20. The sprawling surveillance state.
21. The centralization and consolidation of government power.
22. The destruction of trust in all institutions.
23. The censorship industrial complex.
24. State media propaganda.
25. The smearing of those who challenge it.