
Wolf Preaching To The Sheep


This Site Was Not Created For Entertainment

"Never forget this Truth: The FATHER of Christ Jesus told Us to tell you, "The Holy Healing Powers of Christ Jesus are flowing in great abundance." Remember this.

"We understand that the reader may not at first realize that we were chosen by The FATHER of Christ Jesus to lead the last World-Wide Rival to Save The World however, once you get past that issue the best way to participate is to share this literal GOD-given Knowledge to family. friends and strangers."


Since July 2023 Worldwide

First Time Visit: 6520|Return Visits: 8273

Thank You For Coming And We Welcome You To:


Nothing Gets By The FATHER In Heaven

This site is one result of a witnessed sixty days' and nights visitation with The FATHER, our Absolute SOURCE of the Cosmos, and many Others. 

The Father made sure there was more than one Witness for if there had not been more than one witness this web site would have never come into existence.

There are more than fifty Witnesses.

Interlock your fingers; Immanuel is the Holy Left Hand of GOD, Christ Jesus is the Holy Right Hand of GOD. The fingers represent what Immanuel can do and what Christ Jesus cannot do and vice versa but together THEY are The FATHER Holy Plan, not the Churches plan for you. The only thing important to The FATHER this very moment is the necessary Respect required by the people to accept HIS Immanuel or the world falls so it was said by The FATHER.

What will you, and the rest of the world, do when you find out that half a loaf will not be Better than none; that just half of The FATHER's Holy Intentions for you will NOT be Better than nothing; that The FATHER spoke, "Immanuel is NOT Christ Jesus." and then sent Immanuel to your Earthly World to save HIS Holy Creation from extinction only for the world to reject this man, this Messiah. We say, "This is about your Free Will but keep in mind, it took the human race hundreds of years to recover from rejecting Christ Jesus; in being direct, you do not have hundreds of years and there is no time for parables. The FATHER told us you need Two Messiahs, if that is True and it is, then you need Two Messiahs. The FATHER's Holy Ways are not this world's ways; that this all came to be from incorrectly translating man's Bible and then calling it Holy was and is an insult to The Holy Family  for it was never The FATHER's Bible. 

Due To Vows Taken We Do Declare That What You Are About To Read Actually Occurred; Are Merely Doing What Was Requested Of Us | If You Are A Preacher Or A Teacher In The Church, Synagogue Or Temple We Highly Encourage You To Read The Entire Site; According To GOD The FATHER of Christ Jesus, What You Were Taught And/Or Are Teaching To The Masses Is Far From Being Complete| The FATHER's Intended Will For This Holy Creation Is Virtually Non-existent For The Church Has Not Been In The Holy Will Of The FATHER From The Moment The Church Declared Immanuel To Be Christ Jesus.; this is both clumsy and irresponsible  as "The Rapture"; both made-up story's by The Evil One. Forget Not The Wolf Preaching To The Sheep. 


From 2008 To 2009 The FATHER Told Us The Church Made A Lethal Mistake. (There Was Also More Than One Mistake.)

The FATHER Gave Us The Solution So The Church Could Correct Itself Along With A Way To Prove It all True.

The Church Ignored All Of This. What Do You Think Could Possibly Arise From This Arrogance? 

A New Way Of Thinking Will Replace The Old Way Of Thinking For It Is Not Operating Within The Will Of The FATHER

(Imagine if you will being a participant/white in this visitation , testifying to the largest alleged Christian organization in the the USA only to be lied to three times in a row. Beware of the Wolf.)

If This New Way Of Thinking Is Rejected The Blood Lust That Has Seized Majority Control Of This Earthly World Will Bring The Rest To An Early Death 


"Tell them there is nothing more important to ME than these messages and this mission to save the world. If they do not get behind this mission they will perish." 


This was not an ultimatum, a command or even a request; you are being Lovingly informed about your very immediate future; not the incorrect future the Church has taught to the masses due to incorrect translations and other similar issues, so said The FATHER. This is yet another example of The FATHER's greatest gift to all of Humanity: Free Will: it is to be your decision whether or not you accept The FATHER's warning and solution: you decide.  In regard to the here and now every Brother and Sister must realize, if the people do not take back this Holy Creation from the Evil One now, you will soon realize you have nowhere to live whilst at the same time you are being systematically driven into a state of obsolescence. My FATHER's message to you is: this is your fight and everything you need to Know is on this site.

This site is a Testimonial of literally GOD-given Knowledge.

There is very little opinion and mostly concentrating on context.

This site is one fulfillment of a request agreed on to inform Humanity.

This site is not about sowing seeds of doubt or pitching fear though this will happen.

Everything written is based on real interactions and things said to Janelle and Myself, Edward, by The FATHER of Christ Jesus and many Angels.

These things were said to Janelle and Myself due to numerous incorrect translations of the Scriptures wherein those incorrect translations were deemed lethal by The FATHER.  There are more than forty-nine Witnesses.

This Summation That Explains "The Collapse Of Everything"

To those of you who rely on the Hebrew Canon for inspiration: Which one of the entity(ies), [off-world-non-ethereal visitor(s)], in the Canon are you Worshipping as your god? Unbeknownst to many, there are more than one off-world-non-ethereal vistor being worshipped. GOD, The FATHER, the Source of the Cosmos is only mentioned a few times; Christ Jesus not at all, hence THE REASON FOR CHRIST JESUS BEING SENT TO THIS EARTHLY WORLD.

To those of you who rely on the Gospels for inspiration: Because large measures in the Hebrew Canon were incorrectly translated many of those errors were transferred into the Gospels. For example: Immanuel is not Christ Jesus so said GOD, The FATHER and that came straight from the Holy Mouth of GOD, The FATHER of Christ Jesus. The Church holding onto just that one lie alone can and will bring this entire Earth down in just a matter of years; this is happening right now.


GOD, The FATHER of Christ Jesus Has Provided A Way For You To Prove What Is Written On This Site Is True.

This means you do not have to blindly believe anything on this site. That this is Truly a Holy Gift from The FATHER of Christ Jesus. The FATHER also insisted we inform everyone that has come be informed you are now without excuse for not Knowing Better.

The day the Church made the incorrect decision to believe that Immanuel (GOD's Will) was Christ Jesus (GOD's Word), was the day the Church departed from the Holy Will of The FATHER, so said The FATHER. The FATHER's Word sits to HIS Holy right; HIS Will sits to HIS Holy left so said The FATHER. Even after informing the Church of this catastrophic mistake, the Church has done nothing for its self or the people in regard to making a correction, so far.

An important concept is this Truth: Christ Jesus was never given permission by The FATHER to cross the political, social and economic ways of humanity, that this was not in His Holy Mission statement; crossing these lines is a prerequisite (a must-do) for Immanuel in order to save the world.

When the sixty days and nights visitation was over, The FATHER of Christ Jesus had made HIS Holy Self clear on this issue: The Church was not operating within His Holy Will hence The FATHER's creation of a New Earth and the readying for the possible relocation of the 144,000 to the New Earth if the Church world-wide refused this Truth: if you are a Pastor, Rabbi or a Teacher of the Bible and you have not mastered all four of these languages Paleo-Hebrew, Proto-Hebrew, Ancient Hebrew and Aramaic, and this will be repeated, you need to go to the side bar "Important Message From The FATHER To All Who Preach And Teach The Scripture". This is literally a gift from The FATHER HE HIMSELF to the masses for an expected self-correction about the reality of what was originally written, properly translated and then Truthfully published in the Bible failed to occur. A need for simplicity was absolutely in order to combat the enemies of Life for if one is given a road map that is inaccurate one is not going to make it to the point of destination. 

Two examples of incorrect teachings given to us by The FATHER HE HIMSELF are: Isaiah is writing about Immanuel not Christ Jesus and it is Immanuel who rides the White Horse in Revelation 19:11 not Christ Jesus. The FATHER also Knew the need for the narrowing of the messages by Preachers and Teachers to and for the people was and is due to the ability of the Church to verify what was published in the Bible was and is virtually non-existent. The Truth is paramount in regard to The FATHER's Holy Will for mankind and if the Truth is rejected then a self-inflicted Wrath of self-annihilation will occur. The observation from the past fourteen years is the Church is unable to humble itself; that teaching the Scriptures based on those four languages was not important; that which was published in the Bible surely had to be correct? 

This Testimonial may seem lengthy to you so try to keep in mind, that the visitation was sixty days' long therefore, in actuality, this Testimonial is very short. We provide the context to help with the overall messaging from The FATHER for most things said to Us required some explanation. This Truly GOD-given Knowledge is priceless. There is no intent to be cynical, pessimistic, and sarcastic or hurt people's feelings. The Truths that have been forwarded are going to hurt some of Our Brothers and Sisters and is unavoidable. There was also more than one purpose for the visit: misplaced/misdirected Respect or the lack of it, incorrect translations of the Scriptures, and the reading into the Scriptures those things that do not exist due to the runaway imagination. 

We ask you to think about this question: How many since the Bible was published actually took the time to Respectfully verify what someone else printed was accurate? This number is extremely small hence the focus on narrowing the messages to three general topics to be taught from the pulpit; the errors could then be corrected in time as the Knowledge of what went wrong was realized. In the end, the Church has only itself to blame. Another observation since this visitation ended is, the Church does not want to take the responsibility for its mistakes. The Evil One never sleeps. 

The very few on Earth today that have mastered Proto-Hebrew, Paleo Hebrew, Ancient Hebrew and Aramaic do Know exactly what The FATHER's point was and is and why The Meeting of Angels 2.0 occurred. Those few also generally have extensive backgrounds in Sumerian, Babylonian and Syrian historical records where many of the stories in the Hebrew Canon often parallel those historical records and stories. For Example: Abraham and Sarah were Sumerians and with them came their stories regarding their upbringings. The use of the words Elohim, YHWH (Yahweh - made up name) and Jehovah are not GOD; they were the Annunaki and other off world visitors who were incorrectly perceived to be GOD and often called "Lord".  And this is why The FATHER of Christ Jesus sent Chris Jesus to Earth for no one really Knew anything about Our GOD or Christ Jesus hence The New Testament. Shamefully, Christ Jesus was contractually murdered before He could finish bringing the rest of the Good News about GOD and This Holy Creation. Before the coming of Christ Jesus the human race virtually had nothing to work with at all. 

That is why this was said to Us:

"You are in a Race of Intelligence." 

~ The FATHER of Christ Jesus

The Entire Infrastructure Of Earth And All Life Are Being Tyrannically Destroyed; Once "They" Have Control Of Your Currency You Will Eventually Be Corralled Like An Animal And All Of Your Rights Wll Be Removed. In Other Words, This Is "The Evil One's" Design, One Way Or Another, To Remove You And Your Family From This World.

Be In The FATHER's Word Of Christ Jesus And Get Behind The FATHER's Will Of Immanuel If You Do Not Want To Become A Prisoner Of The Evil One.

This GOD-given Knowledge sprouted from The FATHER of Christ Jesus's request resulting from five visits with Christ Jesus in 1997 in which the first visit was Prophesied by two different men in a meeting just minutes before each Prophecy fulfilled. There was also a witnessed sixty days' and nights visitation, with The FATHER, Moses, Christ Jesus and many Angels from Pearl Harbor Day, 2008 - February 8, 2009. During the visitation America was granted a period of respite from February 8, 2009 - August 31, 2012. Because the Church and the people failed to Repent by August 31, 2012 a negative Judgment on America was handed down. Finding this hard to let go of ourselves, we made a second attempt in 2015 in asking the Church itself to Repent for according to The FATHER the Church had not been in HIS Holy Will since the very moment the Church declared Immanuel to be Christ Jesus. This became an issue of mis-directed Respect; hence the need for the visitation.

Taking away from The FATHER's Immanuel and laying it all on The FATHER's Christ Jesus was more than just wrong, this act became a lethal mistake for all humanity. 

The Attendees were: The FATHER, The MOTHER, Christ Jesus, Moses and his wife Sara, Inner Council, Guardian Angel Celaphon, The Angels of the Rainbow above The FATHER's Holy Throne in descending order: Angel of Love, Angel of Hope, Angel of Patience, Angel of Harmony, Angel of Wisdom, Angel of Knowledge, Angel of Honor, Angel of Honesty, Angel of Respect, Angel of Empathy, Angel of Tranquillity, Angel of Courage, Angel of Innocence, Angel of Purity, Angel of Mercy, Angel of Peace, Angel of Humility, Angel of Faith, Angel of Forgiveness, Angel of Kindness, Angel of Perseverance, Angel of Temperance, Angel of Happiness, Angel of Joy, Angel of Glory. Angel of Pride, Angel of Truth, Angel of Justice, Angel of Power, Angel of Strength, Angel of Wealth, Angel of Desire, Mother Theresa, Mother Seton, Arch Angel Gabriel, Arch Angel Michael, Angel Thunderhead, Squadron Leader and His Majestic Troops, The Holy Guard, Edward and Janelle.

All of these entities were absolutely ethereal specifically stating there were no space craft required for any of THEM to come and go. That is not True for the many that came and went in both the Sumerian Tablets and Hebrew Canon which were inaccurately deemed to be "GOD" and/or Christ Jesus. Even so, this Testimonial is focused on something else.

There are nine witnesses in the United States of America that were given a message on February 8, 2009 from The FATHER; that message revealed the Prophecy in Matthew 28:20 fulfilled. If you say you believe in Christ Jesus then believe every word in 20. A way for anyone to prove this True was given to you by The FATHER; this for your sakes removes both opinion and excuse. If you do prove it, connecting this GOD-given Knowledge to this site in regards to Isaiah 7:7;8;9 and Revelation 19:11 should occur. If you fulfill The FATHER's request to prove this True you will validate Immanuel is not Christ Jesus. Then we Hope you will spread your Testimony NorthEastWestSouth.

An observation during and after the visitation: The FATHER's Angels participated the most in conversations while Heaven Witnessed. If the Angels were not conversing it was The FATHER who was speaking. Christ Jesus only spoke two maybe three times and Moses once. This means as I am, so is Christ Jesus, we are both servants to GOD, The FATHER; we are not GOD; there is only ONE. This is the highest of all issues regarding Respect or the unintentional lack of it. What is meant by that? As The FATHER told Janell and Myself, Edward, Christ Jesus sits to the right and Immanuel sits to the left; only The FATHER sits on the Holy Throne of the Most High. The Word sits to the right and The Will sits to the left so said The FATHER. 


An Age Ended (Matthew 28:20) on February 8, 2009. A New Golden Age Of Enlightenment Began.

Brothers And Sisters,

Welcome To The Site of The FATHER's Mission 9 (Respect) - Save The World

 We are doing what we were asked to do for you by and for GOD, The FATHER of Christ Jesus and Christ Jesus.

Important to note: No one listened to Jeremiah. Breaking away from the Spell of Leviathan is hard even for those who believe in GOD.


The Main Point Of Your Visit To This Site

The Request To Validate The Prophecy In Matthew 28:20 Fulfilled 

Then Ask A Second Question That Is Just As Important If Not More Important

This portion of the Testimonial is explained in Better detail further into this Testimonial in Section 4. On February 8, 2009 The FATHER, not Christ Jesus, told the Victory Worship Center (VWC) and World Outreach in Staunton, Virginia and three other Churches in the USA that HIS Holiness was leaving to go on vacation. Both Janelle and I, Edward, were in attendance at the second service at VWC when the Head Pastor Ray Eppard walked into the Sanctuary and Testified that both he and his Associate Paster Joe Sherrill both heard the message now Testify to this Truth and paraphrasing: At 7:30 am (EST) they were informed the Prophecy in Matthew 28:20 was about to fulfill and do so at 9:00pm that very night.

Victory Worship Center & World Outreach | 200 Hammond Ln | Staunton, VA 24401 | (540) 886-6249 | Head Pastor Ray Eppard | Associate Pastor Joe Sherrill


The 2008/09 Prophecy of China Invading The USA Is Fulfilling!

Angels4US Was Given To You By The FATHER  To Stop This From Happening

The Decision To Use This Gift Is All Yours

(Click on link below; Twitter Video embedded in the link in that web page.)


Hawaii, American Samoa, Guam, Northern Marianna Islands, Philippines, Alaska, Washington, Oregon, California, Arizona, Mew Mexico and Texas: please pay close attention to "The 2008/09 Prophecies" regarding China.  No matter how much any one has cooperated with China before, during or after, their military will not accept any form of surrender indicating the horrific nature of the actual attack.

I, Edward, make every attempt to keep this site free of opinion; the attempt to present the most accurate context. Here is an example of fact that appears to be more like an opinion but it is not an opinion. Again, Pastors you have been given the opportunity to prove this True while at the same time nine witnesses have been provided, five of which have not been located to this day. Those five have left a stain on Christianity, so far by nit speaking up. Rejoice in this Holy Gift of being able to prove True is something The FATHER did not do for Noah and Jeremiah. Just because we have not located these Witnesses does not mean they do not exist. If this is as important to the Church as it is to The FATHER those remaining five would have already been located. This is something that should weigh heavily on those within the Church that have a conscious and this was written because the Church has been infected by the adversaries of The FATHER and the opinion of man. And finally, O Church, disagreeing with this GOD-given Knowledge will be a lethal mistake if the person disagreeing with this site has not mastered ciphering Paleo-Hebrew, Proto-Hebrew, Ancient Hebrew and Aramaic and comparing what is written today against the most original source available on Earth. This is the core of both the incorrect word definitions and translations of the Hebrew Canon. And this is why The FATHER has told me to tell the reader you are without excuse for not knowing better because now you do Know what is going on. 

Preachers and Teachers: We highly encourage all to read as much as possible. Keep in mind there is no one Politician or group of same that can save the physical Church or this Nation now or in the future; this was the very purpose of those sixty days' to be Known of as The Meeting of Angels 2.0. If you are a Pastor or a Rabbi we suggest that you spend enough time on this site to understand exactly why The FATHER told us HIS Holiness created a New Earth and readied the 144,000 for relocation; Janelle and I both witnessed that; The FATHER insisted that I, Edward, place Judgement on the 144,000 th person, a man residing in the USA after The FATHER told us a story about this man, his wife and daughter. A brief Testimonial of this Witnessed event  has been included. Everything is now ready in case of failure.

In closing this introduction, many of us keep hearing more and more often that the Church is waiting on Christ Jesus to save the world. Our GOD, The FATHER of Christ Jesus wants the entire world to know that all of you have actually been waiting on Immanuel. 


This Is Also Site Is The FATHER's Core For A World-Wide Revival (Rev. 19:11)

Repent To Restore The Lost Respect to HIS Holiness The FATHER of Christ Jesus

According To The FATHER Repenting Means A New Way (corrected) Way of Thinking Must Occur

This New Way of Thinking Is About Eliminating Idolatry, Sexual Immorality and Lying; that Christ Jesus is not Immanuel


It is to be a New (Corrected) Way of Thinking said The FATHER

Purpose of The FATHER's visitation: GOD, The FATHER's sixty days' visit can be summed up much like this: far too many have improperly translated the Scriptures; according to The FATHER a lethal issue. The length of the visitation was because all of this required a lot of explanation. The FATHER is presenting a New (Corrected) Way of Thinking for few are aware that they are not in the Holy Will of The FATHER because of these issues. 

Some of Our Brothers in the past corrected the Scripture but they did not do that for you. Again, there is a very lengthy quote on this site from Christ Jesus He Himself Respectfully explaining this very matter. If you believe in and promote  Christ Jesus as we do please read it. This can be found on the drop down of "The FATHER Said". Honestly, the Church is struggling not only with this site but that quote and were told a lot more than that. Your Lives are literally on the line due to incorrect translations and incorrect interpretations.

These were the very reasons for The FATHER's lengthy visitation. The hierarchy in the Church knew what they did was wrong a very long time ago because "they" were not Holy. 

According to The FATHER these issues are so serious they must be considered extremely lethal for your spiritual enemies are savoring your naïveté.

These issues regarding incorrect translations and corrupted writings led the FATHER to tell us to tell you: Go to sidebar and read "Important Message from The FATHER To All Who Preach and Teach the Scripture". If you are a Preacher or a Teacher and think this is absurd or can't be true after you have read the message from The FATHER, then the rest of this site will be a waste of your time. Remember, if this happens you will be without excuse so said The FATHER. 

Conclusion: If there is not an immediate eruption of Repentance from nation-to-nation, everyone will be sucked into "The Collapse of Everything" and the chances of establishing Peace on Earth and saving this Holy Creation will be highly unlikely hence The FATHER's creation of the  New Earth. The chances of you being one of the 144,000 are very slim and that is not a rapture.

The "false" rapture was created from a woman's dream; her name was Margaret MacDonald, (1815 - 1840). False information like this has become the fatal infection for all Life living in this Earthly World and has left many a Christian literally "dreaming" of contact yet has left one's self in a state of complacency whilst the enemy has surrounded him or her. The enemy comes in all shapes, forms and sizes.

It does not matter who you are, this enemy is totally void of Empathy and common sense and hates all Life including itself. Do what The FATHER is asking you to do: get behind this site, verify Matthew 28:20 actually occurred, donate, and most importantly tell everyone what happened.


The Church Must Take Full Responsibility For Not Verifying What Was Published In The Bible


We were spoken to in a form of Audible-Only-No-Alphabet Original Ancient Hebrew and for a Good reason: it was done to remind us that the Church does not teach the Word to people using Paleo-Hebrew, Proto-Hebrew, Ancient Hebrew or Aramaic. This is one reason for The FATHER's visit: if you Preach and Teach and do not know those four forms of communication how would you know that what you are saying to the people is True? If one has not mastered those four languages how can one fact check a most original source? Well, many Rabbis are just as guilty of this too.

For example: All of the claims of Christ Jesus being in the Hebrew canon are false; there are two Anointed Princes, not one. If you knew those four forms of Hebrew you would not only know that, you would also know that are many other things being said that are false; it is a self-inflicted wrath of sorts that finally caught-up to the Church.

Here is another very important purpose for this site

On the night of February 8, 2009 The FATHER told us HIS Holiness and Christ Jesus would not return until 2076. And Janelle and I both Witnessed THEIR departures at different times: The FATHER departing at 9:00 pm EST and Christ Jesus departing at 9:01 pm EST. It is up to you to call one Church to verify what you just read really happened. For the record Janelle and I never had any allegiance to this particular Church; only a sporadic attendance. There is no funny business going on.

A Truth that must be told

The True Character of My FATHER has been very distorted from all of the incorrect translations and who you are as a human has also been distorted. We Empathize with today's Church over what The FATHER revealed. The only thing I can contribute to this visitation is this: after what we were taught I would never trade those sixty days for any number of years of theological education. I understand that some of you who are reading this have been Preaching and Teaching for a generation or more and would undoubtedly find all of this impossible. We request you do not fall into The Evil One's Snare from not making the phone call. Angels4US is The FATHER's "update" for the needed corrections. The FATHER also instructed us to inform the reader that once this much has been relayed there are to be no excuses. That was The FATHER's call not ours.

Edward (Lariah)
Edward (Lariah)

GOD wants to be addressed as"The FATHER".

Christ Jesus wants be addressed as"Christ Jesus" or referred to as "CJ".

"They read into the Scriptures those things that do not exist."

~ Angel of Love, The FATHER's number one most personal of Angels 

 One Example for this being said to us was, unless you are one of the 144,000 there is not going to be a Rapture.

Another example is I M M A N U E L does not spell J E S U S.

The list of issues like these two examples is very long.

It was told to us that sometimes when a human is instantly killed their Soul becomes lost in the Spiritual Realm and this Soul cannot find their way back to The FATHER. Worse still, no matter how hard they try they just cannot succeed and sadly they are left feeling like GOD, The FATHER has forsaken them. We can help them get back to GOD with a Respectful Command to Our Angels. The only limitation is the radial area around is directly proportional to your Power and Authority granted to you by The FATHER. This area increases over time if you are persistent in your commitment to assist these "Lost Souls". The more you do this, more Power and Authority will be granted to you for doing this Good deed which in turn increases/expands that radial area around you. This is one thing The FATHER has left for humans do for HIS Creation; a thing for Saints to do for The FATHER. Say this aloud everywhere you go:

Calling All Angels 

 Come Here To Earth 

  Sing To The Scared

   Rescue The Weak

        Wrap Your Arms Around Us 

       Comfort The Sick and Dying 

       All The Angels Come and Guides Us 

        Come Bless Us With Your Heavenly Presence 

         Lead The Lost Back To GOD


Section 1

A Brief Introduction

ons of the New Testament and 1021+ revisions of the Tenak is truly a miracle that there is one remnant left reporting this event accurately as happening once before in history. The moment man rewrites the Scripture it becomes polluted with "man" not GOD. You must know this Truth" The FATHER nor The Holy Spirit had any influence on the creation of the Bible; this was man's idea. This would have been a violation of a person's Free Will.

"But if they had stood in the Meeting Of Angels, they would have told my message to my people. They would have turned the people from their evil ways. They would have turned them from doing evil.  . . . ".   ~ Jeremiah 23-22 . . .  (ICB) International Children's Bible - Besides Jeremiahs scroll I know of no other recent source that reveals this Truth.

This Prophecy of Mathew 28:20 fulfilling has left the Church literally speechless. This is a completely understandable  outcome considering the length of time these incorrect interpretations were being taught. Great Wisdom resides in restoring these issues of lost and misplaced Respect. What is not understandable is this lack of Respect due to reluctance of the Church to be so unwilling to correct itself. The corrections must be taught and as quickly as humanly possible! According to The FATHER time is of the essence. The Contact Information is in Section 4.

 Section 2

 A Special Notice


You, the reader, are about to read my character reference from The FATHER HE HIMSELF. I am writing to you about these additional Witnessed Truths:

Honored I am, THEY came to me, not I to THEM. I never sought anything for myself.

As taught to me by The FATHER HE HIMSELF, I am to bring A New Way of Thinking to our Earthly World; to teach the True Holy Character of The FATHER; our GOD's Love literally personified. I am to also teach those correct translations in both the Old and New Testaments which will greatly, if not dramatically, change the present way of thinking by and of the Church. This New Way of Thinking will prevent certain extinction.

I, Edward, have seen The FATHER and Christ Jesus. THEY do not look, dress or talk alike hence; I am a True Apostle of both The FATHER and Christ Jesus because I have seen THEM, conversed with THEM and negotiated with THEM.

You have Truly been Blessed to be here and My Holy Family and I Truly Love you, remember this.

Section 3

 Edward's Character Reference From The FATHER

This was witnessed by Janelle Sweeney of Swoope, Virginia.

Everything That I, Edward Zabrowski of Staunton, VA Ever Said And/or Wrote To Any Church And/or Scripture Study Was And Always Will Be The Truth.

The Context:

A very lengthy visitation with The FATHER, Christ Jesus, Moses and the FATHER’s Angels had already begun. The Angels came first and then about four days later, The FATHER, then Christ Jesus and eventually Moses arrived.

When The FATHER finally arrived, this character reference was the very thing HIS Holiness wanted to deal with first. It was The FATHER who asked me to write down what came out of HIS Holy Mouth. Two months before this, The FATHER and Christ Jesus came to put an end to my persecution before the visitation started. I had no idea that THEY did that until we were told of this action in the visitation. (When The FATHER and Christ Jesus do anything together this is when the Holy Spirit forms.)

My adversaries were liars, cheats and thieves that had established a system to destroy the family in the Shenandoah Valley. Most importantly, they had the Power and Authority to do anything they deemed necessary for their cause and they did so without impunity. I dropped everything I was doing and quit my job to expose this evil for the children are not be taken advantage of in any way and family is always the priority. All of this went way beyond ugly. So much in fact that The Angels made it known that my persecution, during just those three and one half years alone went far beyond that of Paul.

During my incarceration I was threatened with forty years if I did not change my testimony. Up to this point I never lied about anything. As the days went by I concocted a plan. I told “one person in private” I was wrong and they released me. The moment I was out I told everyone why I lied to get out and started back on the campaign to expose these people. I could not do what I needed to do while incarcerated. I soon myself back in court and they were very unhappy to see me again. 

"In pursuing the 6-6-6(3), I suffered from a never relentless attack from many an evil person. I did wait for GOD and I worked around the clock seven days a week for three and one-half years to bring the 6-6-6 to Justice. Near this end I was persecuted eight or more times for my works by three or more Authorities of our Earthly world.

"During the entire time I demonstrated to GOD, I only lied one time and even that one time was admitted to voluntarily so to prove to all I was treated most unfairly, I never pursued my Authority who had in fact tried to make me do things I should not. I never personally pursued those whom I knew directly responsible and that I did as GOD requested even after fifty-two validated attempts to take my Life were in fact confirmed; I let GOD act on my behalf for all wrongs done to me."~ GOD, The FATHER of Christ Jesus.

This character reference is extremely important to you. I have been sent to restore many things in our Earthly World. Without knowing that I am the Steadfast Spirit of Truth the things that must be said would be difficult to believe.


(4) They decided to be known by that name.

Section 4

 The Question To Ask The Victory Worship Center And World Outreach (VWC) Is . . .

(The “Brief Excerpts Of Testimonies” explains well enough about what happened just before, during and after what you are about to read.)

Victory Worship Center & World Outreach | 200 Hammond Ln | Staunton, VA 24401 | (540) 886-6249 | Head Pastor Ray Eppard | Associate Pastor Joe Sherrill

Take action by contacting the VWC to validate the Prophecy spoken by Christ Jesus has in fact fulfilled. That Prophecy is: Mathew 28:20, (. . .  I will remain with you unto the end of the age.”)  Early Sunday February 8, 2009, The FATHER of Christ Jesus told the Victory Worship Center and World Outreach (VWC) in Staunton, VA, and three other Churches in the USA, that GOD was leaving to go on vacation. And wherever The FATHER goes so does the Holy Son go. And Janelle and I witnessed THEIR departures that very night. The FATHER first at 9pm; then Christ Jesus 9:01pm. In other words that “Age” ended and a Holy Torch passed hands from Christ Jesus to Immanuel so said The FATHER.

On that very morning, the Head Pastor Ray Eppard testified to both services that he and his Associate Pastor Joe Sherrill heard that message, I am leaving to go on vacation.”at the same time. They met each other in the hallway at 7:30am and confirmed they both heard The FATHER.  I, Edward and my witness Janelle already knew this was going to happen the night before but we were not told the VWC would be told of THEIR departure. We were also there for the second service when Pastor Ray said he also informed the earlier service.

Now I inform you the reader, you just read why the question is not about asking this Church, “Did The FATHER tell the VWC that HE was leaving to go on vacation?” There are hundreds of witnesses that heard Pastor Ray testify. The important question is:

 . . . “Has The FATHER told the VWC that THEY have returned?”

The Victory Worship Center in Staunton, VA must be asked for this is the biggest Biblical event to occur since the coming of Christ Jesus because we are now dealing with His departure as He said it would happen and then did happen. "We are not coming back until 2076." ~ The FATHER

Section 5

Brief Excerpts Of Testimony

The complete testimonies are far too long to be relayed and are only reporting the five or six times Christ Jesus and I met in 1997 and the last three days of the 2008/09 sixty days visitation. That means there is a lot more to know about; a lot of GOD-given Knowledge to prevent Human Life from perishing and as time passes some of this GOD-given Knowledge will be added to this site.

The Context:

With a profound Respect, know that back in 1997 I, Edward, knew very little about the Bible and at the age of forty-one (41) had been to a Church but maybe three times. By 2008, at the age of fifty-two (52), I had only been to Church less than two dozen times.

Would I still talk to The FATHER and converse with HIM like I did in this 2008/09 visitation? No. It took some time after the visitation ended for a Wonderful increase in Respect to overtake me; the result of reflection and memorable thoughts of the Love and Grace that filled the room during those sixty days; even when I rebuked and questioned The FATHER, HIS Holiness let me speak my mind. Christ Jesus only spoke two times.

Because The FATHER has the "perfect ability" to go beyond both the abilities and Knowledge of man or woman in any seminary or school, HIS Holy GOD-given Knowledge imparted into to me allows me to effortlessly make the claim that I am the expert on what was misinterpreted or incorrectly translated in the Scripture and well beyond that too as well. The Good News is, once two misinterpretations/incorrect translations are corrected A New Way Of Thinking will comfortably settle down on humanity and those who concern themselves with the scriptures will be able to back-engineer those other mistakes too as well. It will not be that hard to do and it all makes much more sense than the Bible does today.

The 1997 Visitations

(Please note: when this happened, I thought that this was a normal thing that would occur for/to Christians. As time went by it became more and more apparent that this was not the case; that this was anything but normal; that something like this has in fact never happened before.)

In this year I was living in Northern VA and drinking heavily. My parents had moved from Northern Virginia to Staunton, VA the previous year. One day I called them and my mother answered the phone and told me my father was terminally ill. My house went up for sale and I moved to Staunton and quickly joined AA.

One evening a stranger came up to me at AA and said, "I have a message for you from Christ Jesus." Even though I had only been to Church three times, I always believed GOD and Christ Jesus existed; a better safe than sorry type of insurance policy.  Politely I told this man David that I was overwhelmed with enough already. He understood and left. He didn't come for AA; he came for me.

​Nine months later I was in another meeting when something told me to turn around, I did and David was back.  He smiled because he knew I was ready for the message. When the meeting ended I asked him, what is the message? He stated he didn't know that we would have to pray for it.  In a way, there were more witnesses that knew that this encounter was going to happen than afterwards. A Prophecy of The Three Signs Regarding The Color Blue also fulfilled within 48 hours’ time. When the Prayer ended I left. I didn't even make it home; I had to pull over into a parking lot. 

​What we talked about is not the subject of this testimonial. Christ Jesus left me in state of “Cloud 9” for at least seven days. What is important is that we go on to meet four or five more times; that Christ Jesus was pursuing me, not I of Him; not at first. I know what He looks like, how he dresses and how He talks. While this is going on over the course of a few months I noticed a dark cloud over me at night several times as I was meditating on the back deck. Moses knows all about that being GOD, The FATHER. You will read that we meet again and The FATHER then testified to me that HE had come to visit me as a human over 300 times during my Life.

During these meditations I learned to enter the Kingdom of GOD and the more I did the quicker I could do it. Then a veil dropped and I was no longer allowed to enter anymore.

A Special Testimony

During these visitations I began reading the Bible. One day I was reading the Book of the Apostle Luke about the many weapons an adversary could use against any human and that those weapons would not prevail if one's Faith in Christ Jesus was rock solid. Inspired, I walked out onto the back deck and raised my arms in a vee for Victory, looked up and said something to the effect that I was "all in". Christ Jesus shows up and set me down into Hell without Him escorting me. I have never heard of Testimony like that before, never. Those fifteen seconds seemed like an hour. When CJ brought me out I said, "Nice try, didn't work." However, if he had not spared me the smell of that place I would have certainly come back into our Earthly World vomiting; no doubt about that, none whatsoever.

In my Character Reference you should also know that rat poison was used in some of those attempts to kill me.

The 2008/09 Visitations, December 07, 2008 – February 8, 2009

When the visitation occurred I had no idea this happened to Moses. As Moses once saw The FATHER and HIS Holy Backsides as His Holiness walked away I too witnessed this with an exception. Moses saw The FATHER's Holy Face but I did not nor saw HIS Holy Feet and this holds True for The FATHER's Angels; no Holy Faces nor Their Holy Feet. I know how HIS Holiness dresses and how HIS Holiness talks. The FATHER and Christ Jesus do not look alike nor dress alike.

58th Evening - February 6 Testimony

GOD, The FATHER turns to me and says, "Edward, you will live to be ninety-seven (97) years old." The FATHER turns to Janelle and says,"Janelle, you will live to be 103 years old." I said, "Hold on here, how come she gets to live longer? "The FATHER responds, "Edward, if you quit smoking in five (5) years, you will live to be 120 years old." (This is important information.)

59th Evening - February 7 Testimony

A conversation is progressing and The FATHER pauses. Now for the Life in me what I say next was actually meant to be humorous and at the same time I was also being somewhat serious because of what was said to us just prior to this.

I said this, "FATHER, sounds to me like YOU could stand to go on a vacation." The FATHER replies, "I will discuss this with Christ Jesus." I responded with, "Well, now that you have brought CJ(4) into this, the both of YOU might as well go together. YOU know, spend some quality time together as FATHER and Son." The FATHER replies, "Alright, WE will." As quickly as HE agreed, The FATHER moved on to something else. Little did we know what was about to happen that very next day.

60th Morning - February 8 Testimony

Janelle Sweeney of Swoope, VA, the star witness from beginning to end and me are sitting in the second service at the Victory Worship Center and World Outreach in Staunton, VA on February 8, 2009 when the head Pastor Ray Eppard came out and said and paraphrasing, “We heard from GOD this morning. Joe came out into the hallway this morning and told me he heard the same message that GOD was going on vacation.”

60th Evening - February 8 Testimony

We drove to my house after the service was over. Even at this point in time we had no idea this was to be the very last day of the visitation.

The FATHER begins by telling us HIS Holiness had contacted three other Churches that morning. What information is on this site about these other three is all we were given. The conversation quickly turns into an intense release of more GOD-given Knowledge.

I am intentionally leaving out the most intense topics of what was said. However, I will testify now that The FATHER and HIS Angels, as Moses and Christ Jesus witnessed, went on to make clear Isaiah 9 and Revelation 19:11 had in fact been misinterpreted; again reminded us that Emmanuel was not Christ Jesus and Emmanuel was already walking through our Earthly World. That in itself was not a full disclosure but is enough for you the reader to work with.

The FATHER then makes a point about the Holy Torch passing from Christ Jesus to Emmanuel; the Age in Matthew 28:20 ended and a New Age began. And Heaven came down upon this Earthly World; follow a couple of simple instructions and Paradise could be restored. A long list of expectations then follows. I am informed that I am the leader of only nine Prophets walking this Earth. Everyone contacted on that day is a Prophet.

As you have already read, The FATHER told me that if I quit smoking with five years I would live to be 120. In the conversation, The FATHER states that HE and Christ Jesus are not going to return until after my earthly death. Well, I quit smoking which means THEIR return will occur sometime in the year 2076, the Tri‑Centennial birthday of the USA, if the USA still exists.

This visitation started at 9pm on December 7, and unknowingly at the time it was going to end at 9pm. 8:59PM The FATHER tells Janelle and me to bow our heads and this was not a first but we could both feel a sensation in our heads. When the sensation ended I raised my head and said to Janelle, HE is gone isn’t HE? And she said The FATHER left and HE did at 9pm.

All of a sudden a lightning bolt comes out of the ground and froze just outside the kitchen window. I asked Janelle if she knew what this was and she said it was Christ Jesus preparing to depart. I hurried to the window and at 9:01pm He went up and out. There was never a fireworks show that could top that. This is symbolic of being the opposite direction of the Lucifer being cast down to Earth as a lightning bolt.

Mathew 28:20 fulfilled: THEY both left. A New Way Of Thinking has come; one Age hath ended; a New Golden Age has begun; an offering if you the people choose so: "Paradise can be restored.", so said The FATHER; the True interpretation of the Scripture can and will be taught.


(5) In a conversation with GOD, HE stated HE wants only to be called The FATHER. Then Jesus stated that He only wanted to be called Christ Jesus or be referred to as CJ. Issues of Respect.

Section 6

 Logical Summary For Taking Action

     You have read my Character Reference from The FATHER. Certainly contacting the VWC will add to the Truth. 

     1. You just read that two Pastors of The VWC in Staunton, VA and Three Other Churches were informed on February 8, 2009 that The FATHER and Christ Jesus were leaving to go on vacation and also read THEY left the night of February 8, 2009.

     2. In order for you to understand the significance of this extremely important matter, you have to make contact with the VWC to verify that you have not only read the Truth, but verify the fact GOD and Christ Jesus are gone and Emmanuel is in charge of this Earth which means no one has been forsaken.

     3. The question is, “Has The FATHER told anyone at the VWC that THEY have returned? 

     4. You have already read why the answer can only be a “No.” THEY told us that THEY are not coming back until the year 2076. But, you must confirm that. Please, DO NOT ask either one of these Pastors for any more information beyond seeking that answer of “No.” Out of Respect to The FATHER they have been instructed to turn you back over to me; all of this is on my shoulders not theirs. 

     5. Look, The FATHER has already told you, that you are in A Race of Intelligence. Follow this sensible logic: Does it not make perfect sense that The FATHER knew what HE was about to do would require HIM telling someone else besides Janelle and me? This was and is extremely important to HIM so HE took the time to tell the VWC and three other Churches that HE was leaving to go on vacation.

     6. Now then, if you were running one of these four Churches, you would absolutely expect The FATHER to immediately inform you the moment THEY had returned, right? And that is exactly why the question needs to be asked; you need to know THEY are gone; but do know you have NOT been forsaken. One step at a time, once enough people verified this part of the web site even more important GOD-given Knowledge will be released.

     7. Remember: You read that The FATHER told me and Janelle HE is not returning until after the year 2076, the year of my death.


Your action step has almost been fulfilled. To fulfill it, pass this on by directing others to this web site.

Section 7

 Why The FATHER Intervened In A Nutshell

According to The FATHER due to incorrect translations of certain entries in both the Old and New Testaments, the Church, Synagogue, Temple and the ultra-majority of people are not living their lives in the Holy Will of The FATHER. We at Angels4Us were taught the correct interpretation of those entries. A history lesson was given to us about this situation of the people falling out of the Holy Will of The FATHER. The lesson: we were taught about the recurring lack of Respect and/or aggravated-fraudulent identity theft of The FATHER had once again forced our Earthy World into a fallen state of self-annihilation. The Holy Angels used the term “smite” but it was always, as it is right now, a self-inflicted smite because it always involves humans allowing evil to join in and then many people pay the price with their lives. Due to the issue of Free Will, it is up to us to prevent this Holy Creation from falling into the hands of Evil. The FATHER made sure we understood that this could happen because this is NOT Heavens battle, it is OUR battle! Remember this.

In the visitation, we were also given the tools for us to put a halt to this and then turn it around. Turning it around could have literally gone as far as restoring Paradise if certain conditions are met so said The FATHER. But that offer was recklessly squandered and is no longer possible. Keeping the horse in front of the cart: the fulfilled Prophecy in Mathew should be verified first in order for the next step to make sense.

During the sixty days and nights visitation with God The FATHER, Christ Jesus, Moses, The FATHER’s Angels and many others, one Prophecy after another was meted out to both Edward Zabrowski of Staunton, VA and Janelle Sweeney of Swoope, Va. Mention of the two most lethal Prophecies will be revealed again for this was done for hundreds of Churches and Temples/Synagogues fourteen years ago and then again eight years ago. The visitation began on December 7, 2008 at 9pm and ended on February 8, 2009 at 9pm.

Section 8

 The Two Most Ominous Prophecies Of All Given

The reason for this intervention: According to The FATHER due to serious mistranslations of certain entries in both the Old and New Testaments, the Church, Synagogue, Temple and the ultra-majority of people are not living their lives in the Holy Will of The FATHER and now require aide to prevent self-annihilation.

We, Janelle and I, were taught the correct interpretations of those entries in great detail. A history lesson was given to us about this situation of the people falling out of the Holy Will of The FATHER. The lesson: we were taught about the recurring lack of Respect and/or aggravated-fraudulent identity theft of The FATHER had once again forced our Earthy World into that fallen state of self-annihilation. The Holy Angels used the term “smite” but it was always, as it is right now, a self-inflicted smite because it always involves allowing evil to slither in and then people pay the price with their lives and souls.

Due to the issue of Free Will, it is up to us to prevent the falling of this Holy Creation into the hands of the Evil One. The FATHER made sure we understood that this could happen because this is NOT Heavens battle, it is OUR battle within the Physical Realm. In the visitation, we were given the tools for us to put a halt to this and then turn it around. Turning it around can literally go as far as restoring Paradise if certain conditions are met so said The FATHER. Keeping the horse in front of the cart: the fulfilled Prophecy in Mathew should be verified first. This is the very first step that must be done in order for anything else can be done; there is a serious reason for this to be done first.

During the sixty days and nights visitation with God The FATHER, Christ Jesus, Moses, The FATHER’s Angels and many others, one Prophecy after another was meted out to both Edward Zabrowski of Staunton, VA and Janelle Sweeney of Swoope, Va. Mention of the two most lethal Prophecies will be revealed again for this was done for hundreds of Churches and Temples/Synagogues fourteen years ago and then again eight years ago. The visitation began on December 7, 2008 at 9pm and ended on February 8, 2009 at 9pm.

  1. “There will be an issue regarding DNA and RNA.” Technically this prophecy is still fulfilling. The adversary switched from injecting humans to our food with the modified, not messenger, RNA and is much more complex than this. The ultra-majority of the people who agreed to the injection(s) still doesn’t know what was done to them.* (This is a Democide operation. This operation goes beyond permanent DNA changing modified RNA injections.)
  2. “China’s flag will begin popping up all over this Earthly World. China will invade the USA. They will come from twelve to seventy-five years old. It all will start at midnight July 31, 2012.” Technically the Chinese have already infiltrated just about everything all the way up to and literally into the White House. (This is a Democide operation. The short-term goal of the Chinese is to collapse the west and take over this Earth. If you are not Chinese they will have little to no use for you. Their long term goal is to take over the universe.)

* “The Holy Healing Powers of Christ Jesus are flowing in great abundance.” ~ GOD, The FATHER of Christ Jesus

(Proving these prophecies were actually sent out back in the day is a legitimate request. A list of Churches and Synagogues is provided under “Partial List Of Churches Contacted in 2009/2015”. Due to hard drive failures and other issues not all of the Churches can be named.)

Section 9

 Help Angels4US and Yourselves Locate The Other Three Churches In The USA

Here is where seven of the nine witnesses reside; five have yet to be identified.

       “As of now, (February 8, 2009), there are only Nine Prophets walking your Earthly World Edward.” ~ The FATHER

Help US locate the other three Churches and you will have found the other Five Prophets. Edward, Janelle, Ray and Joe are the Four Prophets.


The Four Churches That Heard The Vacation Message On February 8, 2009

Everyone contacted by The FATHER in these four Churches are Prophets for there are only Nine Prophets said The FATHER.








Victory Worship Center & World Outreach

200 Hammond Lane 

Staunton, VA 24401


Head Pastor Ray Eppard

Associate Pastor Joe Sherrill



A Baptist Church

Georgia (?)



Christian Church, Church of Christ?

Main Avenue

Salt Lake City, Utah



Saint Francis of Assisi

“The only thing sweeter than honey is Love." ~ Angel of Love

Remain in Peace  . . .